Page 28 of Silver Fox's Baby

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“That’s what you’re doing, Aiden. Just admit it. You don’t want to talk about it because you don’t want me to move, do you?”

“I don’t give a shit whatyoudo. I just don’t want to lose my son.”

“Right.” She laughs, so full of herself she might burst. “Anyway, ta-ta. I’ll let you call the school. We’ll chat later.”

I hope we don’t.

She hangs up before I can say anything else, and that’s fine. I have nothing left to say.

My head is laser-focused on one thing only. If she moves across the world, howwillcustody of Connor work? He’s not old enough to make the decision himself. It’s still court ordered.

And IknowMaddie will fight until she gets what she wants, regardless of what Connor’s best interest is.

That thought makes my stomach hurt, and I groan, my eyes falling back to my phone.

I need to get ahold of my lawyer. I scroll through my contacts until I make it to Greg’s number, and before I can change my mind, I hit call.

“Hey, hey.” Greg’s voice is much chipper than I’m feeling right now. “Haven’t heard from you in a while, Aiden.”

“Yeah.” I lean back in my desk chair. “I just have a question.”

“Uh oh.” He laughs. “What is it? Becauseno,murdering your ex-wife isn’t okay.”

I ignore his offbeat joke, his strange humor never sitting right with me. “Uh, yeah. Anyway, she’s thrown out the idea that once she marries Richard they’re moving overseas.”

“You won’t owe her alimony, so you won’t have to worry about what she does.” His voice takes on a more serious tone. “She does know that the alimony stops, right? That’s going to be a big income hit for her.”

“She never needed my income in the first place,” I answer him honestly. “She’s always made enough to support herself, regardless of what she thinks.” Not my fault she likes to overspend her earnings.

“Well, yes, and I’ve heard the rumors that her new fiancé is quite a wealthy man. He’s an investor of some sort?”

“No idea,” I grunt, never having cared enough to investigate. He’s never shown much of an interest in Connor, so the two aren’t close. If they were, I would care a lot more. “But what about custody?”

I take a deep breath as the sick feeling comes back to my stomach. “She’s saying that she wants him to live with her full-time.”

“Oh.” Greg’s voice trails off in a way that makes me feel worse. “That could be a problem.”

“Yeah. So, how do I keep my son from moving overseas?”

“Well, it’s joint custody, so it’ll have to be taken back to court. I don’t think the court would allow that to happen the way things are right now. You have him more than she does, right? She’s always missing her days with him?”


“So, you need to start keeping record of that.”

“I don’t want to go to war with her again.” I grimace. I barely survived it the first time.

“Do you want your son to move overseas?”


“Then keep record, Aiden.”



“I’m feeling better.” Dorian looks at me with a smile as his head rests against the pillow. There’re dark circles under his eyes, and for a moment, I feel like I’m looking into a mirror. We don’t exactly look alike, but there are enough similarities to make it seem that way for a fleeting moment.
