Page 34 of Silver Fox's Baby

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“You need a better job now.”

“Of course.” She scoffs, shaking her head. “But I have the best I can right now. I make decent wages at the Golden Pony, and Bert’s helps float the difference.”

Golden Pony? The Bar? Could that be where Maddie is having her party?

I push that thought away, choosing not to pick it apart. “If you want to finish your degree, and I can see that you do, you’re going to have to find something that allows you to spend the time you need on your work. And be home more. I’m sure leaving Dorian isn’t good for either of you.”

She tenses up. “I’m doing the best I can.”

I pull my hand away.

She can’t go on like this. It will destroy them both.

I know what I have to do. I just hope it doesn’t destroy me. “I’m not saying you’re not. But I can offer you a position that will help you.”

She narrows her eyes at me. “And what’s that?”

“I need a teacher’s assistant,” I lie, shrugging my shoulders. “I’ll pay you two thousand dollars a week.”

Her eyes go wide. “What? That’s not what TA’s make. I’ve looked into it—”

“That’s what I’ll pay,” I say gruffly. “You can either take the job or not. I’m not saying that it’ll be easy, and it will require you to be here as often as I am. I get here after I drop Connor off to school, and I leave when it’s time to pick him up, so the schedule should work in your favor.”

She nods, her expression difficult to read. “That... That sounds like...”

“Like a good job?” I finish for her.

That’s the point.

I have to make it worth it for her, but I will be paying out of my own pocket. It’s not like I can’t afford it, I just hope my generosity doesn’t cost us both.

For a second, I consider telling her I was joking, or that it was just a slip of the tongue. But it’s too late. And I’m not sure I want to anyway.

I feel something for the woman and her brother. “So, do you accept? I’m not offering this again.”

She hesitates for a moment, surprisingly, but then nods. “Okay. I accept.”

Dear God, please let this not be a mistake.

“Good.” I clear my throat. “You can start tomorrow. Be here by eight-thirty. That should give you a chance to tell your current employers that you will be quitting. I’ll have your first paycheck to you at the end of next week. Our employment arrangement details stays between us. Got it?”

She raises her brow but thankfully nods.

I know I’m paying herwaymore than any TA makes, but I have the funds to do it, and this woman is clearly in need.Besides, maybe it’ll give her a chance to live up to her full potential.

Which is something I’m still trying to figure out.

“Thank you.” Her voice is quiet. “I appreciate the opportunity.”

“Good. See you tomorrow.” I dismiss her, waving toward the door. “And don’t make me regret this.”

She glances over her shoulder as she heads to the door. “You won’t. I promise.”

God, I hope I’m not the one making us regret this either.


