Page 35 of Silver Fox's Baby

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“You’rewhat?” Fran’s eyes go as wide as saucers.

“Quitting...” I’m standing at the front of Bert’s, leaning against the wall. Somehow, he already knew that I was quitting when I showed up this afternoon, and since they’re slow, I’m taking a moment to tell Fran.

“But... why?”

“I got a new job.” I’m still trying to process everything that’s happened. I have no idea why Dr. Banks did what he did, and I’m not even sure it’s acceptable, but I’m not questioning it. The pay is well over twice what I was making.

It’s almost too good to be true.

Fran’s voice brings me back from my thoughts. “And what exactly will you be doing at your new job?”


She makes a face. “But you won’t make that much...”

“It makes up for what I’m making here and at the bar.” I try to be careful about my explanation. “And it works better with my schedule. I think that’s the most important part.”

For some reason, Dr. Banks was very adamant I don’t share our arrangement, and I’m pretty sure it’s because he’s overpaying me.

Fran lets out a sigh. “Well, I’m happy for you. It means you won’t be stuck working a bunch of late nights. I bet that’s a huge relief, isn’t it?”

I nod and then smile at her, reaching out and squeezing her forearm. “Now I’ll have time to do my homework in the evenings, and I get to spend more time with Dorian. I can’t wait to tell him.”

She pulls me into a hug. “I really couldn’t be any happier for you, Mel. You deserve a break, really.” She then pauses, tilting her head at me. “So, which professor are you a TA for? Hopefully, it’s a good one.”

“Um...” My voice trails off as my mouth grows dry.

I don’t know what it is about Dr. Banks that makes me pause. It’s not like our relationship is anything other than professional. If anything, the man has made me feel smaller than ever.

“Dr. Banks.”

“No way.” Her eyes go wide. “I didnotsee that coming. Since when does he have an assistant? Isn’t he only part-time or something? I never thought he had a TA.”

“I don’t know.” I shrug. “When I explained I had missed because of Dorian being at the hospital, he just offered it to me to help my schedule. I think it was more sympathy than anything else.”

I do kind of feel like a charity case to him, but the offer was too good to refuse.

“Wow, he must have the hots for you.”

“What? No way!” My face heats up, neveroncehaving thought about him thinking of me like that. I mean, not inreallife, anyway.

Sure, I might have some kind of attraction to him—but it’s obvious he’s not interested in me.

He’s my professor.

“Girl, why else would he do that?”

“Um, because he feelssorryfor me.” I shake my head. “And normally, I wouldn’t have accepted the offer, but it’s just...”

“Too good to pass, I know.” She laughs, poking me in the arm. “I totally think he’s got the hots for you. I mean, I can’t blame him. You’re freakinggorgeous,Mel.”

“Stop.” I brush her off, though my cheeks feel even warmer than before. “There is no way Hard-ass Banks has ‘the hots’ for anyone. I mean, he’s Hard-ass Banks. But I don’t really care why he did it. I appreciate it either way.”

“If you say so.” She bursts into a fit of giggles and then stops. “Wait, this totally means that you can go out with me, right? Please! You have no reason to bail on me now.”

I smile. I hadn’t even thought about her girls’ night invitation since she asked me. “Actually, you’re right. Icango with you.”

And maybe now I can even enjoy it.
