Page 87 of Silver Fox's Baby

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I like the system in place where the administration can send out an email to let students know I won’t be around. Especially when I don’t feel like opening my computer at all.

I’m terrified of what I might find.

“Dad!” Connor calls, his voice feeble. His voice kicks me back into gear, and I grab everything and rush to his room.

“What’s wrong?” I step into his bedroom. He’s still in his bed.

“I think I want some Tylenol.” He gives me a sheepish smile. “My knees and ankles hurt.”

I nod, handing him a dose of the chewable tablets. “It’s probably the stomach flu if you’re having body aches.”

“Maybe you should’ve been a doctor.”

“Iama doctor.” I laugh, shaking my head at him. “Just not the medical kind.”

“Right.” He grins lopsidedly. “I always forget that.”

I hand him the water. “Drink as much as you can. Your body needs to stay hydrated.”

Connor nods and takes it from me, sipping through the straw lid. “You wanna stay and watch TV with me? There’s a new episode of that superhero show we always watch.”

I hesitate.

I could work for a bit, but I don’t think I really want to open my laptop and face reality just yet. “Yeah, I think I will.”

I plop down in the gaming chair across from the bed.

As much as I need to deal with everything going on and falling apart in my life, I’m not going to miss out on quality time with Connor.

I just hope nothing explodes in the meantime.



“So, you’re not going to school today?” Dorian climbs into the passenger seat of the car. “That doesn’t seem like a good idea.”

“I’ve switched my classes to online,” I tell him as I start the car. It makes a funny rattling noise, but before I can think too much about it, the noise dissipates.

The last thing I need is another repair. I can usually handle the small things on my own, but engine problems are typically well above what my dad taught me.

“Do you think Aiden is going to notice that you’re not at work today?” His question catches me off guard, but only because it’s coming from my brother.

I’ve thought about it nonstop since I put in my resignation. I mean, I put it in through the main administration so that I wouldn’t have to go directly to him.

But still, he’ll know this morning when he shows up and I’m not there, or if the administration sends him an email.

“I have no idea,” I say blankly.

Will he call me? Will he even care at all?

My stomach churns at the thought of him seeing it and not even bothering to reach out to me. But honestly, I don’t know if he really cares that much.

Right now, I’m the thorn in his side.

And I hate feeling like that.

“Mel?” Dorian reaches out and squeezes my arm. “We’re going to be late.”
