Page 93 of Silver Fox's Baby

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“Yeah, I know. I wassostoked. I mean, I knew it was coming, but it feels like a dream come true.”

“I bet.” I keep my voice light as my fingers trace the steering wheel.

“Are you ready for your interview? I already know you’re going to kill it, but how’re you feeling?”

“I think it’ll go well.” I swallow the knot in my throat. “The pay is enough for now and the school is planning to do a fundraiser for Dorian, so I think that’ll help out with the costs. I can stillfinish my degree in a couple of years, and then it’ll all be good. Maybe I’ll even get a teaching certificate and come to work here.”

“That would be cool, as long as you’re happy doing that. I don’t want you to do something that doesn’t make you happy.”

“Happiness is a choice, so I can choose to be happy regardless of where I end up working. I need to do what’s best for Dorian and myself.”

“Right...” Fran’s voice trails off. “I meant to tell you...”

“Tell me what?” I raise my brows at the shift in her tone.

“Dr. Banks resigned a couple of days ago. I don’t know the details, no one knows them, actually. It’s been super hush-hush.”

“Oh...” I swallow the lump forming in my throat. “I had no idea he did. I guess he decided to do the right thing, or maybe his ex-wife had something to do with it.”

“I don’t know who did what. Like I said, it’s been super weird. It’s like no one is really talking about it. Dr. Lewis has taken over his class. He said nothing more than Dr. Banks was resigning from his position.”

“And he didn’t list a reason?”

“He just saidpersonalreasons.”

“Right.” I sigh, rubbing my arms.

I don’t know why the news is upsetting to me, but it is. Maybe it’s because he’s being forced to quit something he enjoys. Or maybe it’s because he’s resigned but hasn’t bothered to talk to me anyway. It must mean he didn’t really care. And Ihatethe fact that I keep coming back to that conclusion. Because at the end of the day, he needs to focus on Connor, not me, so why am I being so selfish?

Because I love him too, and I want to be there for him through this entire thing.

“Sorry if this is bad timing for telling you,” Fran says softly. “I just... I thought it would be better if you knew. It felt wrongkeeping it from you. I know he hasn’t reached out, but at least you know he didn’t walk away from this whole thing unscathed.”

“Yeah.” I force my words to sound lighter than I feel.

I never wanted anything bad to happen to Aiden. In fact, I should’ve thought a lot harder about the decisions I made throughout the entire fling. I could’ve done better by all of us.

“Anyway.” She clears her throat. “I need to get to class now. Go kill that interview. This is your chance for a fresh start.”

“Absolutely. I’ll let you know how it goes.” We say our goodbyes and hang up.

I gather my things, sling my purse over my shoulder, and climb out of my car.

It’s a brisk morning, but my thick burgundy sweater keeps my body from getting too chilled.

I check my watch. I’m still too early. I stop beside my car, and consider climbing back in.

“Melody?” The deep voice stops me in my tracks.

I turn to Aiden, standing about ten feet away with Connor at his side. I gape at the two of them, heartbreak coursing through my veins as I take in his painfully handsome face.

“I didn’t expect to see you here.” His voice strains as his eyes fill with an emotion that I try to ignore.

My chest tightens as I try to force the words out. “I’m... I’m here for an interview.”

His brows raise, and he takes a step toward me. “That’s great.”

“It’s an assistant position for one of the kindergarten teachers.” My eyes flicker to Connor, who’s got a grin on his face.
