Page 117 of Heir of Corruption

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I wipe my butter-covered hand across her mouth, and she licks her lips.

“It’s fantastic,” she laughs again.

“Let me taste,” I say, then press my mouth against hers, kissing her. Then I lick her face, and she laughs and screaming again. “Stop that.” She tries to wiggle away, but I pin her down and run my tongue over her cheek.

When I lean back to look at her face, my heart shudders in my chest.

“How I love you.”

She wraps her hands around my face and pulls me toward her to kiss me again.

I stand up, lifting her to her feet, and then hold her chair out for her again with a naughty smile.

“Why, thank you,” she says, sitting down despite the prawn stuck in her hair.

I pull it out and show it to her. She laughs again.

“I feel even hungrier now."

“Good thing I ordered enough for an army.”

I sit down next to her again, pulling her leg over mine, wanting to be as close to her as possible.

I use the cotton serviette to wipe her face and then dish up some dinner for her.

We eat, grinning at each other and, now and then, laughing at how messy we both look.

She takes away my worries and has proven that she will stick with me through anything.

After dinner, I carry her to the shower and take my time with her, running my hands over every inch of her body. We touch, taste and enjoy every part of each other. Then, I push her against the shower wall and satisfy her in other ways. Watching the water run over her arched back as I thrust into her beautiful body.

The next evening, I step into the meeting space that Arton has arranged.

I sit down at a table of five familiar faces.

“Thank you for coming,” I say to everyone.

Arton speaks, “Antonio, we have all been sick and tired of the way things have been going. Our family is not as united as it should be, and we are ready for a change.”

“Well, we are here to figure out the best way to do that. I need to know from each one of you. Who do you trust, why, and who do you think is a problem?”

We go around the table, each person taking a turn to share their opinion and any ideas they have toward resolution.

I listen to everyone and take mental notes. We talk for a few hours, working our way through a long list of names, everyone in the family and everyone who works for the family.

I'll have a solid idea of who's who by the end of the night.

“Men, I have one more request. I want to know who handles the death of my friend, Kalo. An attack on someone close to me is an attack on me, and I take it personally. I want to know who orchestrated that so that I can deal with it myself.”

“We have an idea,” Arton says.

“So do I.”

“I don’t have proof yet, but I'll get it. My father has never played by the rules, and he has never been very good at being anything but resentful.”

“If your father is the one responsible, I'll not expect you to take part in what has to be done.”

“I hate him.”
