Page 124 of Heir of Corruption

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While he makes his way through the room, I continue to address everyone.

“Lucas and I did not see eye to eye in the beginning, and that was a disappointment to me. My father’s own brother, he was someone I had hoped to look up to. However, we don’t always get what we wish for, and I guess it is just one of those things.”

Lucas reaches the head of the table. “Tonight, as I said, I want to put an end to all the instability in the family, and that means that all secrets should come to light.”

The room is thick with tension as they stare at me. I turn to Lucas. “Lucas, my uncle, it would appear that you have been conspiring against me. I don’t appreciate having my phonetracked, my position challenged, or the people close to me put in danger. I know it was you who took Kalo.”

His eyebrows shoot up, and his eyes grow wide. “Antonio, it was a misunderstanding.”

“A misunderstanding. I see. Where I am from, we don’t call it a misunderstanding - we call it what it is. You are a rat.”

I pick up my gun, and Lucas’s eyes lock on my hand.

“I underestimated you. I am sorry about your friend. You are twice the man your father ever was. You and I can do such great things together,” he stammers as I lift my hand and press the gun against his temple. “Antonio, you need me.”

“So you admit your involvement in the murder of Kalo?”

“Yes, I admit it. I was acting impulsively. I thought I was doing what was best for the family.”

I see the look of a man who will say anything to save his own ass. His confession is good, but the damage is already done.

“Where is Seraphina?”

“Who?” He looks confused.

“Don’t play games with me, Lucas. Where is she?”

“I don’t know who you are talking about.” He replies without emotion. His eyes were steel gray and cold.

“Dad, just tell him what he wants to know.” Arton stands up and glares at his father. I can't blame him for trying to get his father to confess, perhaps hoping that his life might be saved, but it is too late for Lucas.

He murdered Kalo. He went against me. He has overstepped every boundary since the day I arrived here. I can never trust him.

My finger hovers over the trigger of my gun. If I shoot him, he can't tell me where Seraphina is, but if I let him live after confessing to killing Kalo, I'll look weak in front of the family.

For a moment, my thoughts churn.

Lucas notices the hesitation and thinks he has a chance.

“Antonio, I know your friend meant a lot to you. It was a stupid,”

“Where is Seraphina, Lucas?”

“I don’t know. I had nothing to do with that. I give you my word.”

“Your word?” I snort an unamused laugh.

“Lucas, this is your last chance.”

“Dad, just fucking tell him, stop being a fucking idiot.”

“I am not the fucking idiot here. You two are. You think you are strong enough to run this family. What a fucking joke. You two are imbeciles. You are morons. You are weak, mean, who doesn’t know what it takes to survive in this world?”

“You mean by betraying your family? Surviving by screwing over everyone around you?” Arton is getting angrier by the second.

"You need me, son, more than you realize. Both of you do. I did what was necessary—eliminating that spy from Hong Kong. You think he's one of us, but he's not. He's a wolf in sheep's clothing, ready to tear us apart. We've built this family's legacy with blood, sweat, and tears. I'm the one who knows how to protect it, to lead us forward. Who's with me? Who'll stand by me through thick and thin? I'm begging you; you need me. Without me, we're all going to lose our way. Please."

My finger presses harder against the trigger. His façade of regret and remorse has quickly slipped away under the smallest amount of pressure. He never plans to step down and stop seeking his own desires over and above the needs of everyone else.
