Page 19 of Heir of Corruption

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I pick up another pile of textbooks and drop them into a box. Folding the lid closed, I place strong brown tape around the edges to secure it. I want to take the books to the local bookshop to see if I can sell them. I need to save for my trip to New York.

I don’t want to ask for ah gung’s help with this, as he doesn't even want me to go. I know it hurts him. I don't feel happy with my life. Not that I'm not happy with my life, though, it's just that I'm consumed by the horror of what I experienced.

One day, I'llhave justice. After that day, things can change. Until then, I'm doing what I can.

Everyone heals in their own way, and I know what I need to do to heal.

I lift one box into my arms; It's heavy but manageable. The bookshop is near to here, anyway. I'll ask the doorman in my building to help me load them into the taxi.

It doesn't take long before I'm parked outside the bookshop. I called ahead and make sure that they were interested in purchasing textbooks before I wasted my time. The man sees me arriving outside, knowing I was on the way, and he comes out of the shop with his assistant to help me carry.

When everything is unloaded, he opens the boxes and unpacking the textbooks. He tells me it's going to be a little while, as he needs to check their condition and calculate an offer for me.

I smile; I love spending time in bookshops so he can take as long as he needs.

I browse up and down the aisles, taking in the smell of the pages and browsing through the books that catch my eye.

I'm lost in this world for a long time, reading, browsing, drifting. It's so peaceful and soothing.

A certain title jumps out at me from the rows of spines.New York Mafia Mysteries. Tales of crime and horror.

I slide the book out and open it. I read over a few paragraphs, opening it in different chapters. It's a book about the Italian family. Rumors, crimes, investigations.

I tuck the book under my arm. This one will come home with me.

“Miss?” the store owner calls to me. I make my way to the front of the shop.

“Your books are in beautiful condition. This is what I can offer you.” He slides a piece of paper across the counter, showing his calculations and how he came to the figure at the bottom of the page.

“That is great,” I say. “You can deduct the cost of this book from the total, please.”

He punches into his calculator, nods, opens the till and hands me the cash.

I slip it into my purse and slide the book into my handbag. I thank him and start walking out of the bookshop just as my phone rings.


“Sera, it’s Kimmy. How are you?”

I don’t know Kimmy very well. He is one of the cool kids, coming from a very rich family. All the girls love him. I can’t imagine why he would call me.

“Hi, Kimmy.”

“Sorry to bother you, but I wanted to find out. You see, a friend of a friend says that there is a guy who is asking for your number. Apparently, you met him at the party last night.”

“Um, ok?”

“Well, I wanted to know if it's alright if I give him your number. I don’t want to just go giving your number out if you don’t want me to?”

Immediately, I think of Antonio. I don’t see who else it could be. Just this morning, I was regretting not having used that opportunity to my advantage and now I have another chance.

“Yes, that is fine. You can give him my number.”

“Great. Thanks. I guess you have an admirer, hey?”

“Maybe I just forgot something at the party, and he is trying to return it to me.”

He chuckles. “Yes, sure. Well, have a nice day, Seraphina.”
