Page 32 of Heir of Corruption

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I decide to steer the conversation in a different direction rather than focus on her.

“Any plans for New York?”

“I have been applying for jobs there. I don’t know yet. I just want to explore.”

“Perhaps one day I shall take you there then,” I comment, knowing that it could never happen. It’s risky for both of us. I don’t know what awaits me in New York if I go.

Seraphina tells me about all the things she wants to see there, and her eyes light up while she speaks. The sky is glowing orange, and it is reflecting against her skin, making her hair glow and her lips seem more appealing than ever before.

I realize that, after a long time, I'm finally having fun. Rarely can I simply appreciate living in the present moment. Seraphina’s magical presence helps me let go of constant thoughts and just relax.

I really love being around her.

“Dance with me.”

She laughs. “I don’t think so.”

“It was not a request.” My voice deepens as I guide her to the deck and pull her against my chest. She hesitates, then grins and wraps her arms around my neck. The sun is now dark red behind her, colorful streaks catching the lining of the clouds as it sinks close to the water. Dipping its fiery body into the ocean. She looks up at me, and the sky reflects in her eyes, and it is as though I can see the fierce storm of her soul. I wrap my fingers around the back of her neck as I press my mouth against hers. The sweetness of her drink touches my tongue, and my body pulses with need.

She slips her tongue across my lips, and I moan deeply.

With my hand on her lower back, I press her hips against mine so that she can feel my body’s response. She stiffens slightly, but her lips remain against mine.

Slower, Antonio. Careful. Have patience.

She is driving me crazy, though. Why doesn’t she seem to want this, or is it just how she is? Does she know how her body is taunting me? She must be aware of it. She gives me just enough to lock me into her, but doesn't fulfill my desires. She is a curiosity, a wild bird that I must tame slowly.

We dance slowly, moving against each other under the now dark sky, with the stars glittering above us. My plan was originally to have her stay on the yacht with me tonight, but I know I won’t be able to control myself. I must take her home soon. I must play her carefully if I want to have my way.

When I walk her to the entrance of her apartment building, I take my time kissing her again. If she were to invite me in now, I would do such wonderful things to her body. But she steps away, her lips plump with desire, and says goodnight.Alright, little bird, I will wait.


Kalo slides the glass across the bar toward me. I wrap my fingers around the cool surface and draw it up to my lips. Yamazaki. They keep this brand specifically for me. A rare yet perfectly crafted whiskey.

“Where were you last night?” Kalo slides into the set next to mine.

“I took Seraphina on the yacht.”

“You are spending a lot of time with her lately.” He mutters.

“She is quite captivating. And beautiful. I enjoy spending time with her.” I turn my body toward his, noticing how tight he is pulling his mouth.

“Do you notice that since you met her at that party, you speak about her every time we are together?”

“Is that a problem?” I shrug, unsure what he is getting at.

“What is it about her? You rarely give this much attention to women. They keep you entertained for a moment or so, and then you move right along.”

“She is different. I don’t know what it is about her yet, though.”

“What? Is she good in bed? She looks a little innocent, to be honest, but I guess you never can tell.”

“I wouldn’t know.” I grin, thinking about her innocence and how I want to find out what she is hiding behind it.

“You don’t know? You haven’t fucked her? What the hell?”

I lift the Yamazaki up to the light, swirling the golden liquid in small circles.
