Page 34 of Heir of Corruption

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There is a silent pause on the other end of the line. “A job.”

“Yes, it’s the starting point.”

“New York is expensive, Seraphina. You can’t just go there and expect to manage on very little pay. Are you sure you don’t wanna work with me?”

“Ah gung! Please be happy for me. You know how much I want New York.”

He sighs a long breath. “I will help you with whatever you need. Your rent and your flights.”

As much as his help would be welcome and would take the pressure off me, I can't accept it. I realized in the days since I applied for the job that whoever else I involve in this plan - I'mputting them at risk. If I get to New York and everything goes according to plan, and I'mable to get revenge - if they find out that ah gung funded my trip, they will assume that he was in on it as well.

I can't put his life at risk. Not without knowing all the players and all the pieces.

“That is very generous of you, but I think it's time for me to figure out in life. I can do this on my own. It won’t be easy, but you raised me to be strong.”

“You never were very good at accepting help, even as a little girl. Well, I'mhere. If you get stuck, you must call me. If you get there and you change your mind, you will be on a flight home that very same day.” I can hear in his voice he doesn't want me to go, but I'm happy he seems to accept it.

“Thank you, ah gung. I really appreciate that.”

After the call ended, I messaged Maddy.

Me: Guess what? I got a job in New York!

Maddy: Are you serious? So quickly? No, you aren’t allowed to go. What am I going to do without you?

Me: I'm not gone forever. Besides, you are gonna be so busy with your life you won’t have time for me anymore.

Maddy: You are the one who has been busy. What is this I hear about you going on a date with the guy who hosted the party?

Me: I will have to tell you about it over a drink.

Maddy: Better make it soon. I don’t like that other people know what is going on in your life before me. That is not how it works, being friends.

I smile at the messages. Then another notification pops up on the top of my screen.

Antonio: Fancy meeting you here.

I narrow my eyes at the message. I don’t understand it.

Antonio: Blue really suits you.

I glance down at my blue sweater. What the hack! I look around, confused and slightly stressed.

Through the window of the coffee shop, I see Antonio. He is smiling at me through the glass. I grin and shake my head. My eyes follow him as he makes his way inside and takes a seat at my table.

“Are you stalking me, Antonio?”

“Of course I am. What else should I be doing with my day?”

He waves the waitress back to my table, then turns to me. “What are you having?”

“I was just finishing up.”

“No, you weren’t. You were just waiting for me, and now you'll have lunch with me.”

I am rolling my eyes at how controlling he is being. He seems to enjoy it, so I decide to let him have his way and play along with his games.

“I was waiting for you, but you were late.” I grin cheekily.
