Page 65 of Heir of Corruption

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“Watch my tone?” I laugh, a bitter, dry sound that is foreign to my own ears.

“Little bird.” His voice is thick with warning. “All I want is for you to be alright. If you tell me how I can help you, I will be here for you.”

“I’d prefer it if you left me the hell alone.”

He shakes his head as the muscles along his jaw clench and unclench. I stare at him with fire in my eyes.

“I will not leave you in this state.”

I push the blankets off myself and stand up, storming out of the bedroom. He follows me to the living room.

“Don’t you get it, Antonio? You arenothingto me.”

“I know that isn’t true.”

“All I ever wanted was revenge for my parent’s murders. All I ever wanted was to hurt the people responsible.Your family.” I shout. As soon as I say it, I know that I'm digging myself into a very dark hole.

“Revenge?” his voice is low, and his eyes are growing darker by the second.

“Why do you think I have been getting close to you?”

My heart stops as I hear my words. Now that they are out of my mouth, they hang in the air between Antonio and me. He is frozen in place, as am I. The air feels ice cold and full of static.

He steps closer to me.

“You got close to me in order to get revenge?”

I bite my lip, forcing myself to shut the hell up. I can’t believe I just said that.

His stare becomes so intense that words fall out of my mouth again.

“Thatwasmy plan,originally. That is all I ever wanted. I knew who you were. I thought - I thought your family killed my parents. It was how it all started when I first met you.”

It isn't how it's now, though. That’s not how I feel now.I realize with shock. My heart sinks. Confessing my reason for getting close to him has made me realize that it's no longer what I want from him.

I have fallen for him.

“Is that so?” Antonio says.

“Wait,” I say as he picks up his phone and his wallet from the counter.

He walks straight past me without another word, out of the hotel, closing the door behind himself.

What have I done?

I love him.

The truth shocks me to my core. I'm in love with Antonio.

I run to the door and open it, but he is gone. The elevator doors have already closed, and the number above the doors tells me he is close to the ground floor.

I need to let him go.

I don’t think he will ever forgive me for what he just found out.

I close the door and return to the bedroom, climb back into bed, pull the covers over my head and disappear from the world again.

