Page 70 of Sorting Out

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“You’ll get more when I’m ready to give it,” Gray growled.

Jack squeezed the pillow under Mason’s head and fought the urge to fight to get Gray deeper. Mason reached between themand gripped his cock. His hand was working him again, sliding through his precum.

Gray pinned him down with a hand on his back and drove in the rest of the way. Jack shouted, cursing him, nonsense syllables pouring out of him as Gray pulled back and thrust again and again. Then like a switch had been flipped, Jack’s body accepted Gray and the pleasure of having both men inside him made him cry out. He shoved back, trying to take Gray deeper, and Mason bucked up, sliding into Jack in counterpoint to Gray.

Gray lay over him, trapping him between them. He couldn’t do anything but take it as they fucked him relentlessly. Gray drove in so hard he shoved Jack and Mason toward the headboard. Mason had to give up on holding Jack and brace himself to keep from having his head slammed into the bed.

Despite Gray’s rough thrusts, the pain had given over completely to pleasure, and Jack was floating on it, barely conscious of what he said or did. His cock was so hard he couldn’t possibly hold back long. He was so full, of love, of need.

Both his lovers thrust into him. Harder. Faster.

“Please,” he shouted. “Need this. Need you. God, please.”

“Come,” Gray ordered, and Jack did, shouting for them, fighting for breath, barely holding on to consciousness. Mason followed immediately, thrusting so hard, he lifted Jack, shoving him into Gray.

Gray used both hands on Jack’s back to push him back down, pressing him into the sticky mess he’d made on Mason’s chest. For a few wild seconds, he fucked Jack with utter, rhythmless abandon. Then he shuddered and groaned, and Jack felt anotherhot flood of cum in his ass as Gray shouted. “Love you. Love you both.”

When Gray was spent, he pulled out and rolled to the side. Jack used the last of his strength to lift himself carefully off Mason. Oh wow. He was going to be feeling this for a very long time.

Cum ran down his legs, but he didn’t mind the mess.

“Lie down,” Gray told him.

He snuggled between them and both men wrapped their arms around him.

Later there would be time for cleaning up, getting something to eat, and figuring out how he was going to keep from walking around like a cowboy who’d been on a horse for days. For now he would bask in the love that surrounded him as tangibly as his lovers’ arms.

“Thank you.”

“That was amazing, wasn’t it?” Mason asked.

“You’re what is amazing. Both of you. Yes, this was… Wow! But you two. You pulled me back from… I don’t know how far down I would have sunk. You forced me to see that I was pulling away when what I really needed was to let you hold me, to prop me up until I could stand on my own again.”

“We would never have let you go,” Mason assured him.

“And if you need a kick in the ass again, we’ll be right here,” Gray said, grinning.

Jack winced. “Not anytime soon though. My ass won’t be up for much of anything for the foreseeable future.”

Gray frowned. “Are you okay? Really?”

“More than okay, I’m absolutely perfect.”

He kissed Gray, then Mason joined in. They surrounded each other with love and care and everything in the world that Jack needed. He truly was okay, better than he’d been in months. No matter what the future held, he could handle it as long as he had Gray and Mason.

Gray, Jack, and Mason's story continues with Going Deep, book 3 of the Fitting In series, available April 25.
