Page 53 of Worthy of Fate

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A moment passed as we took in this information. My mind was reeling. I couldn’t understand how anyone could have done this or why. Not to mention how they knew about the book when it hadn’t even been fully cataloged yet. It had to be because of the seller. No Scholar would have given out this information without understanding the full extent of the book’s contents.

“How do you know the notes are about the Glaev being a magic theory? You said that it hadn’t been fully processed,” I questioned.

“One of the intake Scholars flipped through the notes to try to see if they could find a translation for the title, and he noticed a phrase that was mentioned several times: dark magic.”

“‘Dark magic’? What is that?”

“I have no idea. However, I do plan to look into it tomorrow, but we need that book back. It would help you discover thetruth behind the Glaev, if this theory has any merit whatsoever,” Eamon said, shaking his head.

“Alright, let me rest for the night and I’ll start tracking it down in the morning at first light.” I sighed. I so desperately wanted more than a single night to recuperate, but the longer I waited, the harder it would be to find. This was my job as a Roav.

“I’m coming with you,” Nikan demanded.

“Excuse me? No. Out of the question,” I snapped.

“Kya, obviously it was someone extremely skilled. And most likely a team. They were able to enter Morah, take the book, and leave completely undetected. That’s never happened before.”

“For the love of Nox, Nik, I can handle them. I’m a Worthy for fuck’s sake.” I stuck out my arm, gesturing to the mark extending up to my shoulder. “You just want to get your hands on the little bastards.” I crossed my arms and glared at him.

“You’re damn right I do. And you’re out of your mind if you think I’m not coming along.”

“Enough.” Eamon’s deep voice rumbled.

I stuck my tongue out at Nikan and he rolled his eyes.

“Kya,” The High Scholar warned. “Nikan will be accompanying you. You can use all the help you can get. Not to mention, you’re more recognizable now. If Nations learn that another Worthy is sneaking around on their lands, they’ll think the worst and likely react to it as a threat. Nikan is going with you. End of discussion.”

I groaned and rubbed my temple with my fingertips. I hadn’t thought of that. Eamon’s warning paired with the Sage’s left my stomach feeling uneasy. If I were discovered in another Nation, they wouldn’t see me as just a Roav working for Morah, but as a Worthy.

“Nikan,” Eamon continued. “You are going to be there toassistKya. This is her mission and she will be the lead Roav.”

“Ha!” I pointed to Nikan and he slapped my hand playfully.

While I wasn’t particularly excited that my brother would be joining me, Eamon was right. I also wasn’t completely upset that I would get to spend some time with him. And the thought of getting to annoy him for days or weeks on end was more than appealing.

I gave him a mocking smile, and he rolled his eyes again. I could see that he was fighting a smile himself.

“I also want you to find Malina and recruit her. If she hasn’t already completed her mission, she may continue it after you have completed yours.” Nikan and I nodded. “Now leave, both of you. This old male has had enough excitement for one day,” he said through a grin. The demanding voice of the High Scholar now replaced with the warmth of our patriarch.

One of these days, I will finally find out just how old he is. One of his many mysteries.

We stood to leave, and Eamon brought me into a firm embrace and whispered into my ear, “You are worthy in more ways than one. This title does not define you. It describes you.”

I smiled up at him as he pulled away and nodded in thanks before Nikan and I both left the study. Tears pricked the back of my eyes, but I shook them away. I had already cried enough for one day.

I went to my rooms while Nikan took care of the preparations for our morning departure. My bath was hot and long, my skin pruned and the water was cold by the time I got out. I dressed in loose clothing and went out to the library to grab a few books for our journey. I hadn’t read at all since I was here last, not wanting to risk the chance that I wouldn’t come back to return them. I stuffed them into my pack once I got back to my rooms. I audibly sighed as I finally laid in my soft bed and snuggled into the warm blankets. My mind was too exhausted to dwell on worries weighing down on me, the light pattering of the rain against the glass walls causing my eyelids to feel too heavy to hold open. Sleep took me quickly.

Wind rushed past me, a deafening howl in my ears. Rain was stinging my face as it pelted my skin and I squinted to keep the water from my eyes. I could feel my soaked clothes weighing me down as my back muscles ached from working tirelessly to keep me above the ground. I could scarcely make out the black outline of a towering structure, reflecting the flashes of light from the storm.


I drew closer and closer, soaring over the sleeping city below. Another flash of light. A creature with leathery appendages, as dark as the night, was coming toward me. Yet I still thrust myself closer.

The sky was illuminated with streaks of blue light violently piercing the darkness. My reflection in the inky black glass revealed thatIwas the creature. But where there should have been the sight of my body, it was instead that of a male carried by wings, his silver eyes flashing through the darkness.

A crackling sound startled me awake with a gasp. I clutched my chest and blinked the sleep from my eyes, perplexed by the strange dream. The male with wings and silver eyes. I had seen those eyes before from underneath a hood at the temple—a Lord.

I should have felt scared. I should have been petrified. Yet I felt oddly calm, which only added to my confusion.
