Page 73 of Worthy of Fate

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My mate’s Spirit guardian was staring right at me through the shadows I had conjured to conceal me. I didn’t know if he could actually see me, but he obviously knew I was there if he had contacted Theron to give me the message.

“Alright.”I nodded, though he couldn’t see me, and some of the tension eased in myshoulders.

I knew he was right. Spirit guardians were there to protect their Worthy’s life. Which meant that those that were with her were of no threat to her either. I settled in for the night, resting with my back against the trunk of a tree with my legs stretched across the limb. Even knowing that she had her Spirit to watch over her and protect her, I still wished it were me. But I pushed the feeling away, and let sleep take me.

Nearly two days later, she finally woke. She had been seated in front of the male when they rode. My teeth clenched at the thought of his body touching hers, rubbing up against her backside with his arm wrapped around her. With a snarl, I distanced myself further to where I could no longer see them. But I could still feel her, the bond pushing me to be closer, and was able to follow that feeling.

I continued to keep my distance, not wanting to see her with another males hands on her when I craved her so desperately.

But she came to me…

She’d answered my call. And she hadn’t seemed afraid. If she cared for this other male, would she have done that? Or was it solely because of the bond, driving her to me beyond her control?

Well into the night, a feeling of being yanked through the bond, woke me. I sat up, instantly awake and completely aware of my hardened cock pressing into the seams of my trousers.

Is she…aroused?

Excitement coursed through my veins, but for only a moment. I broke out in a cold sweat. My breathing became quick and shallow.

She’s aroused. And she’s with him.

This had to end. I couldn’t take it. I couldn’t continue to follow her across the damned continent forever and feel her want for another male. My eyes narrowed and I took off, intendingto stop her actions long enough to get her to deny the bond and release me from my misery. I wouldn’t invade her mind again. Not without her approval.

I had more control of myself now, the mating bond seemingly pleased with our proximity after our encounter in that alley in Narh. I called to her, gently caressing that glimmering bond as I approached. Then I noticed that she was sitting outside of that stone tent with a book propped up on her folded legs. Alone.

She isn’t with him. She’s…reading.

I smiled and huffed a breath of relief that she wasn’t bedding the male.

I stopped, close enough to see her but far enough away to be concealed by my shadows. But the moment I stepped onto the grass, her head snapped up in my direction.

I had thought that she might feel me, but I didn’t know from how far away. My mate knew I was there but ignored my attempt to reach her through the bond. She was sitting in the grass as she leaned against the wall of the tent.

I envisioned her for a moment. I pictured her sitting just as she was then, with a book in her lap and leaning against my chest as she told me of the fantastical worlds and adventures that she lost herself in.

That vision evaporated the moment she stood, facing me. Shaking my head, I knew that I couldn’t hear her deny me, no matter how much I needed her to. I wanted to go to her. She knew I was there, she felt me and she wasn’t running away even after what I said to her back in Narh.

I couldn’t ask her to deny me. I didn’t want her to. If she wanted me the way I wanted her, we would find a way without endangering my people. I needed to go back to Oryn and see what Arra had discovered.

I surrounded myself with shadows before calling for Theron to take me back. Leaving now was a small price to pay, to sufferthe distance once again, but if she accepted this, it would be worth it. I would remove all obstacles, no matter how challenging they were, if she wanted this. I’d take on the panel. I’d stop the Glaev. If she wanted this, then nothing would stop me from having her.

I couldn’t resist the bond much longer. It wanted her.Iwanted her. And I knew that I would only crave her more and more.

Chapter Twenty-Eight


We settled in for the night when we finished with our spar. After I had felt my mate near again, I waited.

Once I knew that Nikan and Malina were asleep, I slipped out of the tent and crouched outside by the fire, the remaining embers still glowing red and crackling. Odarum had gone, which I found he often did in the night while we slept, leaving no one else out here but me. My bare feet and hands were firmly planted on the cool ground beneath me. I could feel exactly where my mate was. Close enough that I could faintly feel his heartbeat through my terbis.

Leaving the warmth of the fire, I pulled up my mask just below my eyes, and walked deep into the shadows of the forest, beyond where anyone would see me. The forest floor was nearly pitch black, the canopy above too dense to allow the moonslight to shine through. An advantage for me. While I was able to feel where I was going and didn’t need to see, I doubted my mate could.

Once I was far enough out of earshot, I stopped and I closed my eyes, searching for that comfortable swirling thread inside me. Grabbing onto it, I called to it, summoning its other half within my mate. It felt different than when I grasped the tetherto Odarum or my magic. This one felt more natural and welcoming.

It took mere seconds to feel him moving toward me from behind, through the forest. He knew I was here, calling to him and waiting. One by one, my senses began to fall away again until all I could sense was him and only him. It was intoxicating. My palms began to sweat, and I rubbed them against my shirt to remove the moisture. My breath began to shake as he grew closer and closer. It felt like an eternity as he slowly and silently approached.

My breath caught, and my spine straightened when I felt the heat of his body behind me, his breath on the back of my neck. His scent consumed me, washing over me in waves. In the corner of my eye, I could see his large hand braced against the trunk of the tree next to me. His sleeve was rolled up to his elbow, revealing the Worthy mark on his muscular forearm.
