Page 42 of Catherinelle

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“I’ll be sure to come and find you if I have any questions.” Which will be when the pigs fly. “Bianca, can you please come with me to the bathroom? I need some help with my dress.”

“Sure.” Her answer came right away, and we linked arms while walking away.

“Looks like Victoria has a high interest in your love life, Cat.”

“I’m sure she wants me to date someone so she could hop in and try to seduce him.”

When we stepped out, I wanted to take the path back to the house, but Bianca dragged me to the side and around the tent.

“What are you doing, B? The bathroom is the other way.”

“We’re not going to the bathroom.” She opened her clutch and popped a blunt out of it. “We are getting in party mode.”

I stepped back to look at her with a perplexed look.

“B, that’s weed.”

“You don’t miss much, do you? It’s not just weed; it’s from my brother’s stash. Prime quality,” she explained while fishing for a lighter and taking the first hit. “Want some?”

“No, thank you.” I got nauseous just being in the same room with Gino when he was smoking his cigars. “Bianca, you shouldn’t do that.”

“You shouldn’t try to seduce your brother’s underboss. I told you, we grow up fast.”

She had a point.

“I’m freezing. It’s fucking winter outside, and we’re in low cut dresses. We’re going to die until you finish that.”

“Oh, just a few smokes, and we can go.” She shrugged. “Now, tell me. Something happened with Hugo?”

A whole fucking lot happened, but my teeth started chattering, and I hugged my body, jumping from one leg to the other trying to stay worm. The air was aggressively cold. I felt like a bunch of needles were stabbing me at the same time.

“We…” I spoke through the chattering, “yeah, something happened.”

“Dolce Dio, tell me!” she hissed at me.

“We had dinner together.”

“Like a date?”

“No, like he had dinner between my legs. We need to go, B. Seriously, I will pass out from the cold.”


She put the joint out, and I practically dragged her back around the tent. We were almost inside when something else caught my eye across the yard, near the rose bushes Caroline planted around the house.

“What the hell?” I said to no one in particular.

Bianca stopped too, and when she looked in the same direction, she gasped.

Hugo was leaning against a marble statue of a woman dancing, with a lit cigarette between his lips and one hand in his pocket. The blonde head in front of him belonged to the one and only Victoria Tori who leaned over just enough to make sure he had a clear view of the fake boobs that were spilling out of her dress. I didn’t know why they out there or what were they talking about, but suddenly, the air wasn’t cold anymore. More so, a noxious heat spread all over me.

Hugo said something, and Victoria giggled, taking a few small steps until her breasts were pressed on him. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out her game.

Hugo’s free hand moved from his pocket to her hip, and my vision went black. He had to be joking. After all that drama, the tantrum he threw after I told Roman I loved him, and he goes behind my back to cuddle with the village whore?

“Bianca, go inside,” I told her and started marching towards them.

“Can’t. I’ll stay and watch.”
