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The brunette nodded. “Yes, and a lot of people believe that this led to our flagrant use of the term ‘Daddy’s girl’, and ‘Momma’s boy’.”

Lucas reached for a napkin and he began searching his pockets for pen. As if reading his mind, the brunette produced a pen. “I’m a professor. Habit.” She shrugged as he allowed himself to peruse her body for a second.

She blushed under his intense stare and tried to subtly shift his attention back to the topic at hand. “Right, so -” he turned his attention back to the napkin suddenly forgetting what he was about to say. “Frued,” he trailed off trying to get back on track as he racked his brain trying to remember what he was going to say. He was suddenly distracted by the shape of her legs beneath her skirt.

“I assume your theory is based on the idea of the ID, the ego, and the superego.”

“Exactly,” Lucas inwardly sighed in relief, happy to have remembered even if it required a little memory jog from the brunette. “So, because Freud believed that the ID was our unfiltered, unhindered desires, this is what I base my theory on, if you give people just enough, they’ll continue to remain in their safe ego zone, but if you withhold just a little bit, bits of their innermost desires start to seep through to the ego.”

The brunette studied the diagram he had drawn. She hummed in the back of her throat. “So what you’re trying to say is that you want the ID part that most people keep locked up, to come through.”

“More or less,” Keith conceded. “Just enough to keep things interesting, but not enough to get one in trouble.”

The brunette began to thoughtfully chew on her bottom lip. “Curious.”

“I can show you a demonstration,” Lucas announced, his eyes never leaving her lips.

The brunette nodded her assent. Lucas leaned forward and smirked as he saw her quick intake of breath. “Your quick intake of breath now is because you expect me to kiss you. Your ego is screaming out that you should take it slow, don’t let me go too far. Your superego is saying that you should push me away instantly, that’s the side that’s hyper aware of societal expectations, and your ID ego is saying what the hell, you deserve it.”

“Is that so?” the brunette murmured, her tone laced with curiosity and just a hint of desire.

Lucas nodded as he placed his hand casually on her knee. “Yes, so for example, when I put my hand on your knee, your brain is scrambling to send signals to your brain to react. On the one hand, propriety says slap his hand away. On the other hand, your ID is noting how good it feels, how the warmth of my hand seems to seep through the fabric of your skirt as if I was touching your skin directly.”

The brunette studied him before she put her hand on his knee. Lucas was surprised to find a jolt of desire race through his body at the simple touch. “So you feel the same way when I do it.”

“Pretty much yeah,” Lucas tried to appear nonchalant, but he was already picturing what he could say to get her to go home with him for the night, how she’d look with that skirt pooled around her knees, and how she’d look lying flat on her back as he ploughed into her.

He felt himself beginning to grow aroused, so he shifted, so she wouldn’t notice. He knew that if he wanted to get her home, his usual moves wouldn’t work. She was a classy one, the type who wanted to be wooed and then bed.

He wasn’t sure he wanted to go through the effort, but the way her gray eyes darkened when they flickered to his lips had him wondering if maybe he should just try to see what would happen.

“It’s just a theory anyway.”

She looked disappointed when he pulled back, and she tried to cover it up by going. “Just a theory? It sounds like it might actually work.”

“Well, you’d have to have a more thorough demonstration.”

“Really?” the brunette gave him a slow smile.

“You’re a professor, right?”

The brunette looked confused at the question. “Yeah, I am.”

“What do you teach?”

The brunette toyed with a loose strand of fabric in her sweater, a sign of nervousness. “I don’t teach one specific thing, mostly literature, but sometimes drama, humanities, and history.”

“Do you use a lot of visual aids in class?”

Confusion continued to flick in and out of her features. “As often as I can actually, it really helps get the point across.”

“So you demonstrate things sometimes.”

The brunette nodded. “It’s necessary. Sometimes it’s not enough to show them a visual aid, sometimes you have to act it out for them.”

“It’s the same for my theory. I could tell you all about it, or I could take you back to my place and give you a very detailed first hand demonstration.”

The brunette opened her mouth to respond, but they were interrupted when Lucas’s teammates interrupted. They were all drunk and loud and crowding him asking why he hadn’t come over to the table to play pool.
