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“I can take that,” Javon said. He waited, as though wanting her to beg him to give her his opinion. Ashlyn, curious, finally gave in.

“So, what do you think of me?”

“I think you are gorgeous, determined, entertaining, and very, very sexy.” Javon’s voice dropped at the end of his sentence.

Ashlyn’s mouth suddenly felt dry. He thought she was sexy? She had never really thought of herself as very attractive before. Ashlyn looked up and met Javon’s eyes. He looked completely serious as he looked right back across the table at her.

He slowly slid his hand across the table and laid it with his palm up near her elbow. Ashlyn’s eyes flitted down to his hand. She had been wondering all night how they felt. Ashlyn finally moved her hand to take his. His fingers immediately wrapped around hers. She was amazed by the difference in their skin color. His skin looked so pure, its darkness hiding the imperfections while hers was unable to hide them.

Javon gently squeezed Ashlyn’s hand two then three times. It was as though he was trying to match her heartbeat, but nothing save the speed of light could do that. Ashlyn looked up, and suddenly, she was very tempted to find out what kissing Javon would be like. It was as though her whole thought process turned around. Maybe he did just want to get inside her pants, but was that really so bad? Ashlyn wondered what it would be like to touch the front of his pants and feel how hard he was.

Javon’s tongue slowly flicked out and licked his bottom lip. He then gently bit his lip, and Ashlyn suppressed the urge to groan. She wanted to kiss him. She just wanted to kiss him. Ashlyn took a deep breath. They were in a restaurant. This was not the place to begin making out with Javon.

“Are you done eating?” Javon asked.

“Yes,” Ashlyn nodded.

“Let me settle the bill, and then. . .” Javon trailed off as he opened his wallet.

“And then what?” Ashlyn asked, wanting to know exactly what Javon was thinking.

“Maybe they’ll let us step out on the patio. I’m pretty sure the sun is setting in about,” Javon glanced at his watch, “about ten minutes. I don’t want to miss it.”

Ashlyn smiled. Javon was oddly romantic. It was as though he had just planned the dinner time so that they could catch the late summer sunset. Ashlyn watched as Javon slapped enough money down on the table to cover the meal and pay their server. He apparently was not interested in waiting for change. Who was he that he had so much money yet had been scrounging up extra acting jobs?

Javon stood and took hold of the back of her chair. Ashlyn stood as Javon pulled the chair back. He offered his arm, and Ashlyn slipped her arm through his, feeling like a princess. He led her out onto restaurant’s patio. It had cooled down a few degrees, and Ashlyn didn’t feel as hot anymore.

Javon led Ashlyn over to one side of the railing. The sun was just touching the horizon. Hues of purple, pink, and orange filled the sky as the sun inched down toward bed. Ashlyn stared in wonder, wishing she had her camera with her. This sunset was a beauty. Ashlyn freed herself from Javon’s hand and moved to a better viewing place along the rail. Javon came up behind her and placed one of his hands on either side of her.

Ashlyn immediately felt the warmth of his body, and it caused her face to heat up. He was so close. She could turn and kiss him right now. No one would fault her. Her body was screaming for her to move, to make a decision. Ashlyn slowly, inch by slow inch, moved her ass backward until she was pressing into the front of Javon’s pants.

She could feel, now clearly against her pants that he was hard. Ashlyn froze as though unsure what to do now. What was she thinking? Javon wrapped his arms around her, pulling her even closer, and his words came into her ear. “What are you trying to start, you little firecracker?”

Ashlyn couldn’t answer. She just wanted to freeze, not have to make any decisions but just freeze and enjoy the moment. Javon slowly moved himself away then slowly pushed himself into her again. He let out a low moan just next to her ear.

It undid Ashlyn, and she turned away. She pulled his hips toward her and closed her eyes, needing his lips on hers, needing to let go of some of her built-up passion. His lips pressed down hard onto hers. Then, he seemed to consume her. His lips hurriedly kissed hers over and over. He bit her lower lip gently and pulled it toward him.

Ashlyn’s stomach felt as though it was on fire, and she knew she was wetting her panties. She knew he wanted to have her as much as her body was telling her to take him. Ashlyn pulled back, dread settling over her. She couldn’t do this. She couldn’t get in trouble. She had to be back in her hotel room that night. Gary was strict. If she acted now on purely passion, she might regret it in the morning.

Javon’s voice was low. “Do you want to come to my place?” he asked.

Ashlyn quivered as she imagined what it would be like to open her legs to him and feel him touch her. She already knew that he would be able to take her to an amazing place, but Ashlyn didn’t know what she felt about giving herself away to a man she had just met. The only time she had done it before was with her boyfriend of two years. She couldn’t.

Chapter Four

“I need to go back,” Ashlyn said.

Javon’s eyes focused directly on hers. They were so close. She seemed able to read every thought as it passed through. “Ashlyn, come on, can’t you come with me? Don’t you want to?”

“I want to,” Ashlyn acceded before she had a chance to really think through her words.

“Then, come on,” Javon said. “You’ve turned me on now. If you’re turning me on just to leave me, that’s mean.”

“I want to go with you,” Ashlyn said as she pulled away to look at the front of Javon’s pants. She was suddenly very self-conscious as she realized that there were other people out on the patio. Her cheeks turned red. “I think I need to go back. Thanks for dinner. It was delicious.”

Javon walked Ashlyn silently around to the front of the restaurant. “I don’t know what I did to make you want to leave me, but I’m sorry for whatever it was.”

Ashlyn halted as she tried to explain her conflicting feelings. She didn’t even understand herself, but she just knew that she should go back to her hotel room that night. She should wait and see if Javon was really interested in her, if they had a chance at anything. “You didn’t do anything wrong,” Ashlyn said, “you did everything right. But,” she paused, her mind scrambling. “I never do something like that with a guy on a first date.”
