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“Winner’s choice,” he answered, setting out the two stacks of cards in the middle of the table.

“If I win, I might just take your beautiful prize before you even get to enjoy your full day,” Jeffrey warned darkly.

“Same here,” Todd said.

“You’ll forgive me if I don’t fret too much about that possibility,” Eric declared, shuffling the green cards and giving each of them six. “The odds are fifty/fifty in my favor.”

“Math wasn’t your strongest subject.” Corinne dared to challenge him. “You have a seventy-five-percent chance of losing. If I win, I might well claim the rest of the night for some alone time. Have you considered that?”

“Oh, my dear, I definitely did consider the chance of you pulling out a win. After all, Todd and Jeffrey will be struggling with two opposite goals during the game. Each of them will want to win you from me and play with that thought in mind. They will give you aid to ensure I don’t win.”

“Another mindfuck,” Corinne muttered, looking down at the cards in her hand. “The odds are still against you.”

“No, there’s definitely a fifty-percent chance I will win. After spending the night with Todd and Eric, you want me to claim you tonight, even if you aren’t ready to admit it. The only reason you signed our contract was because you have always been curious about which of us would be a better lover. This getaway allows you to put an end to that mystery once and for all. You might complain and put off a false narrative about hating it, but in the end, we are really here because you want this chance. Maybe even more than any of us do.”

“Keep telling yourself that, boss,” Corinne tossed back with less conviction than she had hoped for.

As mindfucks went, Eric had just played the biggest one possible on her, Corinne realized, though his explanation of her motive was a bit off. She had come here to find out what really turned her on a primal level. It wasn’t about which of her three bosses might be the best lover, but more about figuring out what kind of future sexual relationships she wanted to pursue. That was all this was about.

Corinne did her best to ignore the fact that there was some truth to his claim though. After one devasting marriage, she was never going back to a vanilla relationship again. If that meant she never settled for just one lover again, she was fine with that. She didn’t need a ring and ceremony to be happy. That was one thing she’d taken away from her first marriage.

And damn him, Eric was right about her not wanting to give up a chance to find out what kind of lover he would be. She had enjoyed a Daddy and a Master. What kind of relationship would Eric offer? She had to know before this getaway was over.

“These answers are perverted,” Corinne said as she read the green cards in her hand. “You expect me to read these aloud?”

“Only for your turn.” Eric smiled and read aloud the first red card. “Welcome to Popeye’s. Can I offer you blank?”

Only one of her green cards even made sense with the structure of the sentence. She tossed it to the center of the table where Jeffrey and Todd laid their own. Before Eric could even reach for them, Todd grabbed the three green cards and shuffled them so Eric couldn’t cheat and award Corinne the point just to improve the odds in his favor.

Eric didn’t look insulted in the least. He offered Jeffrey a chance to rearrange the green cards before he proceeded. Jeffrey just demanded they get on with the game. With peculiar flair, Eric restated his prompt and inserted the cards played. “Welcome to Popeye’s. Can I offer you... a pair of hairy balls...? A member of our itty-bitty titty committee... biscuits and gravy. Hum, it’s a good thing you mixed the cards up, Todd. I will never be able to figure out which came from our sweet, innocent Corinne-girl.” His chuckle told them all he knew exactly which card was hers.

Jeffrey wasn’t amused. “Stop gloating and award the damn card to her.”

Corinne got excited about winning, though she felt slightly embarrassed about being so easily read by her opponents. She realized she really needed to get better at this game if she didn’t want Eric to win, but that was a big if. Grabbing a red card, she prayed it wouldn’t be too offensive. She cringed, just imagining the cards the guys would force her to read for this prompt. “How many licks does it take to get to the center of a blank?”

Evil chuckles followed. All three men handed over their cards, making no move to mix them up. “Aren’t you worried I will cheat?” she asked in a mocking tone.

“Nope,” Eric said.

“Never,” Todd agreed.

“Impossible,” Jeffrey added.

Given the choice, Corinne wouldn’t award any of them the winning point. She didn’t have that option, so she proceeded to read the prompt again and offer their suggestions. “How many licks does it take to get to the center of....” First, she read Jeffrey’s green card. “The middle of a Cajun man’s long, hard cock.” She pinned him with a disappointed look. “Are you still in middle school?”

Then she read Todd’s answer. “A possum’s ass. You have got to be kidding me.”

Eric’s card was last. She was determined to ignore his reply no matter how good it might be. “A frozen ice cream cone with dark chocolate and whipped cream.” She tossed him the red card, chuckling to herself.

Todd read the next red card. “Cajun women like blank.”

Jeffrey collected the cards from Eric and Corinne before mixing them up with his and handing them over to Todd. The big man silently read over the cards, a goofy smile filling his face. “Cajun women like... big butts and they cannot lie... sucking heads and eating tails... spicy sausage and scrambled eggs. I am going to have to go with the last one.” Todd chuckled, starting to hand the red card to Corinne.

She grinned and shook her head. “My card was the big butts.”

“Then who played...” Todd stammered a second before Eric held out his hand.

The game continued in earnest, and Corinne started making mental notes about her opponents. When Todd’s green card was read aloud, he fiddled with the cards in his hands as if being cautious not to give away any information with his expression. Jeffrey went for the more blatantly sexually suggestive card every damn time, and she couldn’t figure out how he kept pulling such nasty answers. Eric was more difficult to read. He changed up how he played, his reactions to cards and even the types of answers he selected. It was impossible to figure out which card was his. At least Todd and Jeffrey seemed just as frustrated with not being able to figure their partner out.
