Page 27 of Healing Her Lions

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“She wasn’t scared at all?” she asks.

“No, she wants to date.”

River snorts. “What’s wrong with that?” Ava glares at him.

“Nothing, cupcake,” he says quickly. “I was just trying not to laugh at Revel’s face.” He points at the cute face in question. Her big eyes look at us, the rest of the chocolate bar shoved as far as it can go in her mouth, melting around her lips.

He could be telling the truth.

“So she’s open to the bond?” Ava continues.

“Yes. She has questions, though.”


“Where are your brothers now?” Kerian asks, and I study him. He doesn’t look like he knows they went to get Breeane.

“They went to get Breeane.” They all look back at me innocently.

“Oh?” Ava prods.

I hear the truck coming down the long driveway and don’t miss Ava’s slight smirk. There seem to be no secrets between this crew.

I could push it, but when I see Breeane’s face shining through the windshield, I forget everything but my need to be close to her. My lion roars inside, totally in agreement. I’ve been away from her too long. I grit my teeth and try to find some control.

When she hops out of the truck, walking quickly my way, looking at me like she missed me too, I force myself to stay still.

Fuck, my cock is harder than it’s ever been just seeing her smile.

I’m so fucked.

Chapter Nine


All I can see is a gorgeous woman standing near Logan, and it causes a burning rage to develop in my stomach. Las explains before I get out and tear her head off that her name is Ava, and she is mated to the gorgeous men at her side. The little girl is their daughter, and my stomach settles. The excitement of seeing Logan again comes back in a rush.

It seems silly to be so anxious to see them again. It’s only been a day, but I feel an attachment that would be odd if they weren’t shifters.

Finding Lucas and Las on the other side of my door this afternoon made me so happy. This morning, it all felt like a dream, and I wondered if they would show up. I’ve been let down so many times; this seemed too good to be true. Other humans would think I was crazy for acting this way with three men. I didn’t care if others thought it was weird; I had the urge to lean into this process. For the first time in my life, I feel like this is where and with whom I’m supposed to be.

“Handsome,” I sigh as I walk over to him. I don’t stop until I’m up against his chest, my hands cupping the back of his neck. I bury my face in his chest and breathe in his manly scent. I greeted his brothers much the same way.

“Breeane,” he growls. His body was stiff when I hit him but softened and wrapped around me.

“How are you?” I can’t pinpoint why, but he seems to be more at ease today.

“Glad you are here,” he rumbles.

“Me too,” I agree. I pull back slightly and see the audience that I forgot about.

“Breeane, this is Ava, River, and Kerian.” He motions to each in turn. “This is their daughter, Revel.”

“You pretty,” Revel says shyly.

“You are too,” I say, pulling out of Logan’s arms but staying close. Lucas and Las followed me to stand beside him.

“Red hair,” Revel continues.
