Page 44 of Kenton's Courage

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When I flicked the head of his cock with my finger, his eyes rolled back in his head as he collapsed onto the bed, moaning. It was the perfect distraction, so I quickly opened the lube as he shook and slicked up my fingers.

Before he could come back from the edge, I pushed his legs wider and thrust one finger deep inside him.

Kenton nearly came off the fucking bed.

As he cried out and clenched around me, I hummed thoughtfully and completely ignored what I was doing to him. “Yes, and I’d make sure to keep testing your cock to check and see if it was still hard.”

Wrapping my free hand around his cock, I gave it a few rough jerks like I was testing to see how hard he was. I knew it wasn’t too painful for him, but his body lit up like it’d been jolted with lightning and he let out a frantic, needy sound.

Some of that might have been because I was finger fucking him in quick thrusts, but he was a very fortunate sub because I was very good at the pat your head and rub your tummy game.

“If it wasn’t hard, then I’d give it a nice firm smack to solve the problem.” Releasing it just long enough to flick the head again, I quickly went back to squeezing his cock as he whimpered and tried to fuck my hand. “If it was still erect, I’d give it a few nice strokes to reward my good boy.”

The teasing and the slow way I was jerking him off drew out even more desperate sounds, but part of his enthusiastic response might’ve been the second finger I’d added. “Yes, good boys should definitely be rewarded.”

“I…I like rewards, Master.” He also liked the idea of being kept hard and punished, if his reactions were any indication. “I’ll be a good boy.”

Giving him a nice taste of what would happen if he was good, I stopped avoiding his prostate and gave it a nice massage as I fucked him again. The sounds he made were desperate and beautiful, but he managed not to come.

“I’m being good. I’m being good.” His frantically whispered words repeated over and over until I stopped playing with his ass and just focused on stretching the ring of muscles at his entrance.

That was manageable for the dramatic sub and he sank boneless against the bed, letting out a long breath. “I was very good. I didn’t come.”

“That’s right, pup.” Slowly rising, I gave his dick one last kiss before straightening, and I gave his ass a nice stretch to have his eyes rolling around like dice again. “You were a very good boy.”

A good boy who didn’t realize I’d just slicked up my own cock as he shook and tried not to come again. He definitely had less control when pain was added to the mix. It was his dirty kryptonite and I planned on exploiting it every chance I got.

When I stopped playing with him, he went limp again and had a ghost of a smile like he was soaking up all the wonderful endorphins running through him. “Oh, Master…”

He was thoroughly enjoying whatever was going through his mind and was so lost in the pleasure or reliving the pain that he barely blinked as I started pushing his knees back to open him up for me.

It wasn’t until I had him beautifully bared that he blinked and reality tuned back in. That didn’t give him enough time to realize what was going to happen, though. Pushing into him sent shocks firing through his system and the way his chest arched up and his dick waved around said it’d almost sent him right over the edge.

I’d read his limits list and all the fun notes in the margins enough times to be confident about what he wanted and that was to feel the burn and to be utterly invaded and ravished.

He’d actually jotted those words down very clearly so there was no confusion.

I liked thorough notes, so I was going to make sure he got everything he wanted.

Giving him what he’d so politely asked for, I didn’t pause until I was deep inside him and had his legs pinned against his chest. It took several seconds for him to catch his breath, but I didn’t let him come down from the high before I pulled back and sank into him again.

It was still on the gentle end of the fuck him into next week scale, but I didn’t stay that easy on him for long. Every time he caught his breath and was able to whine and start begging for more, I took it up a notch and used his sexy sounds and his hard cock as my barometer for how fast to go.

As I fucked him harder, I learned that sounds came first, followed by dick reactions, and then his brain caught up to the fun. It was fascinating and the game of learning all about him kept me from orgasming seconds into fucking him.

He was so goddamned tight and the way he clenched around me every time he cried out or made a sexy begging sound dragged me right to the edge with him. No matter what I wanted, there was only so long either of us would last, so I focused on giving him the rough fucking he wanted and keeping it going for as long as possible.

When he was down to whimpers and his dick looked almost angry, I reached between us and gave it one firm tug. “Come.”

That and one perfectly aimed thrust at his prostate were all it took to send him flying.

Cum drenched my hand and gave him a slick grip to hump into as I kept fucking him as long as I could before I followed him over. “Mine.”

Making his brain realize I was coming inside him had his dick going haywire and trying to keep his orgasm going longer than I’d thought was possible. It ended up throbbing in my hand, dry firing as I filled him up with my cum.

When I finally went soft, I slowed down until I was mostly just playing in his hole before slipping out completely. Kenton seemed to love the dirty fun and shivered as he blushed, giving me the sweetest smile as focus came back to his eyes. “Oh, Master. That was perfect.”

Sounding a bit like I’d just given him the perfect engagement ring, I smiled and leaned over to give him an innocent kiss. “I’m glad, pup.”

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