Page 52 of Kenton's Courage

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“He’s going to need body paint to cover them if he’s not careful. That will make Eli’s head explode.” And probably Kenton’s mother’s head too. “Oh, and well, I’m slightly concerned that he’s going to ram his tail up his hind end by not watching what he’s doing, but so far he hasn’t damaged himself.”


Two more pups went down, but at least Kenton hadn’t instigated it that time.

The guy who seemed to be more Kenton’s age than mine chuckled again. “The last time one of the pups brought his new Handler to a photo shoot, he couldn’t deal with the chaos and the…the lack of inhibitions.”

That was what he was worried about?

Under normal circumstances—these were definitely not normal—I would’ve brushed off the slightly nosy question, but I had a feeling he’d been sent as the gossip ambassador to make sure Kenton and I were good. So I decided to play nice.

“I’ve been in the lifestyle for a long time, and as I told Kenton, it would take more than this to surprise me.” Nodding toward Eli, who was throwing up his hands after telling one naughty pup to stop licking another’s tail, I raised one eyebrow. “Now, Eli. Well, he’s interesting.”

That got a laugh from the other Handler and he nodded. “I would have to agree.”

I was hoping we were good, but he was still standing there looking almost as innocent as Kenton. It had to be a front, so I kept going just like I would’ve with Kenton. “We went over what to expect, but we’d already touched on most of the pieces that could be hot button issues for people when we did our limits lists.”

Gesturing toward the chaos where Kenton was right on the edge of orgasming, I shrugged. “We’ve covered all of this. I was actually just trying to decide if I needed to distract Eli or ask him if he should safeword. He’s…worked up.”

My new friend scoffed. “He’s been in the cage for a week for making the new pizza guy cry, but that was a total scam. The guy did it deliberately. But the rule is crying delivery people earns Eli the cage.”


“I think they need to renegotiate their rules.” That didn’t seem fair.

That earned me another chuckle. “Never. He loves the insanity. He’d have been disappointed not to be punished. I’m also pretty sure he’s the one who paid off the pizza guy. He’s working his way through art school or some kind of theater degree.”

I didn’t know what to say to that, but luckily I was saved by my naughty pup when the beagle landed on top of him again and they both went tumbling…over the edge that time.


Somehow orgasms were contagious.

“Is there a mop or do we just tip the cleaning staff really well?” What was the polite thing to do with that much cum on the floor at work?

“Both.” The guy couldn’t seem to decide if he wanted to laugh or sigh. “Last year, the tips sent the whole cleaning staff to the Bahamas for Christmas.”

Somehow, I didn’t think he was joking.

“I should’ve brought wet wipes…and caffeine. He’s never going to make it home without falling asleep.” I was not going to be able to carry him in from the car.

It was an entirely logical problem, but the guy chuckled and shook his head. “You know, I think you’re going to fit in great around here.”

As he wandered off, I tried to decide if that was like that may you live in interesting times curse or a welcome to the family greeting. But figuring that out would have to wait because I had a pup to wrangle and a towel to find.

Where had we left his bag?

He needed a new aftercare list and we were going to go over that as soon as he woke up.


He was asleep already.

Nope. One eye opened.

Heading toward him before he closed them both again, I stepped over several still shaking pups and managed not to squish the beagle, who was definitely orgasmed out, before sitting down beside my pup. “You were such a good boy, pup.”

Kenton made a very human sigh and rolled over to rest his head on my lap. “I was so fast, Master.”

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