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In the search for food, I found myself on the main street again, which was much quieter than it previously had been. The few people who walked by either threw me uncertain looks or pretended not to see me altogether.

I didn’t really mind the latter, not while my stomach grumbled for some sustenance.

Even if I hadn’t been exposed to much of Rose Valley, I could tell that a lot had changed since the last time I visited. There were several stores that I didn’t recognize, and my interest snagged on one I had seen earlier.

Outside the mystic shop, I couldn’t help but snicker at the eye logo. But the moment I caught myself, I recalled how I had seen Willow outside of it because she likely owned it.

Dispelling that instinctual reaction, I reminded myself that my dismissal of witches and their magic came from the old prejudice I once had for them. From my dad’s influence. It took me a while to learn that the resentment was his and not mine. They weren’t my thoughts or feelings.

It was something I was still working on, but I hoped to get over that stain he had left.

Spotting Willow from inside, my heart stammered a beat.

Immediately bombarded by thoughts, part of me wanted to go in and see her. But at the same time, it felt like a huge overstep. I could only imagine that she didn’t want to see me after what happened, and no part of me could blame her.

Without consulting my internal conflict, I stepped through the propped door and went inside.

The moment Willow found me standing there, her whole body locked up. Her brows furrowed slightly in question as if wondering why I had even bothered.

Her surprise was hard to miss. Along with her resentment.

With our eyes locked, that guilt squeezed my heart, and I swallowed back the dryness in my throat.

Even with my weakened powers, I could feel the bond fluttering inside me, like an injured bee begging for nectar. It wanted to be closer to her, to fulfill what I had been suppressing for years.

But I couldn’t. It would be too direct, and it was far too soon to admit how her proximity affected me.

While part of me had thought she was beautiful from the moment I laid eyes on her, seeing her in front of me snapped the realization into place that she had changed between that time away.

Her fiery hair was tamed more as she had it braided in two plaits that fell down her back, and those forest-green eyes were full of endless wisdom from her life experience. She looked ethereal as her flowing green dress complimented her pale complexion, and the loose, puffy sleeves made her look like something from a fairy tale.

There was no denying how gorgeous she looked with her elegant, slender form, and I felt like a complete jackass for ever rejecting her.

I had to force back the strain of my bond that pulled for her, silently reminding it that I had caused this suffering for us both. I was the reason we couldn’t be with her. Why we couldn’t hold her close and beg for forgiveness.

The thought of her never forgiving me hurt, but again, I couldn’t blame her.

While it was daunting to be facing her head-on, I couldn’t back away. It was too late—she had already seen me.

“Willow,” I began, not sure how to start. “It’s been a while.”

Trying to take a neutral route. I didn’t want to hurt her more.

She stared at me for a while longer, as if she were face to face with a ghost. I probably seemed like one after how long it had been.

When she still didn’t say anything, I cleared my throat and looked at some of the items she had on display. Small bottles with cork stoppers, crystals of varying shapes and sizes, along with books, candles, and various other items.

“This place is yours?” I asked, throwing her a glance.

She nodded.

Willow wasn’t giving me much to work with, and while I assumed that would be the case, I had hoped for more. I wanted to at least know how she had been. If she was okay since I refused our bond.

Based on her expression, I already knew the answer to that—a mixture of devastation and brutal anger.

Aware of the awkward tension between us, I walked a few steps around. I had to admit, the place looked nice.

“So, you’re their new leader.”
