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A hand on my shoulder tore me from my stupor, and I jolted around.

I was met with those captivating green eyes on mine, reflective of the trees and plants around us. She was furrowing her brows at me in question.

“What are you doing here?”

Her voice was so soft and comforting, even if she was supposed to sound angry and accusatory.

Scratching the back of my neck, feeling awkward from being caught, I murmured, “I saw you walking from town on my way to the hotel, and I wanted to say hello.”

“So you followed me to my house?” She asked, looking at me incredulously.

I winced somewhat. “Not my best attempt at striking up a conversation, but I had good intentions.”

Willow snickered, and I could’ve sworn I saw a flicker of amusement in her eyes. But she hid it lightning-fast. “What brings you to this side of town anyway? There isn’t much out here.”

While she seemed standoffish, she allowed the conversation to continue anyway. I was grateful for that.

“Kai took my buddy and me to see the doctor. He doesn’t know what’s going on with us, but he’s looking into it,” I replied, hoping it wouldn’t be the end of the conversation.

She nodded with understanding, and while she seemed more open to talking with me, I could sense those defensive walls still. “Soren’s a good doctor, even if he doesn’t have very many people to help.”

“Have you known any other wolves who experienced the same thing? Have any asked for your help?” I asked, wondering if she might know some spell or tincture that might help me.

Willow shook her head. “No, I haven’t. But I know you aren’t going to ask me for said help.”

Sheepishly, I pulled back. “Of course not. I know you’re busy.”

Something I couldn’t decipher moved across her face, and Willow held my gaze easier than she had the day before.

Whatever it was, I wanted to know what it meant and what she was thinking.

She seemed so different from the girl I had met in the stream, with such soft features and a sort of airiness about her. She looked hopeful and brimming with promise. Completely unaware that I was about to deny her and break her heart.

But as she looked at me then, fragments of that girl remained despite how reserved she was around me. She looked more mature and headstrong, like she knew how to take care of herself.

I had to admit that I found her attractive, especially in that soft dress with short but loose sleeves that draped over her arms. She held herself so divinely that the kernel inside my chest warmed.

“You’re right,” Willow began, gaze firmly locked on mine. “I am.”

The budding hope inside my chest fizzled away at her dismissal, aware that I was no longer welcome. Instead, I pulled a quick smile for her. “It was good to see you, but I should be getting back.”

Without saying anything else, Willow fixed her lips into a tight smile, then continued back to the quaint house.

Feeling defeated, I turned away and continued back down the path, wondering if she’d ever give me a real chance.

A part of me knew that I didn’t deserve it, but that didn’t stop me from wanting it anyway.

On the road back to the heart of Rose Valley, I found myself trapped in a never-ending cycle of thinking about Willow and what had conspired between us those years ago.

Wondering why I ever fumbled my chance with her in the first place.

Chapter 8 - Willow

It had been a week since Rowan and his group rolled into town, and as much as I didn’t want to admit it, I was curious about what was going on.

While I still didn’t want to be near him to spare myself those suffocating feelings and memories, I wanted to know why they couldn’t shift.

When I told Rowan I had never seen it in any of the wolves, I meant it. Nobody had ever come to me about their connection being split, and certainly, none of them had come to me for help.
