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As the noise continued to bounce between the steel walls, it forced me to jump into action, recalling that I was in control of the meeting. I was the one who needed to lead them.

"I know this change of heart must feel like giving up, especially after we lost men of our own, but this fight has been for nothing. We have only created problems when they didn't previously exist, and it's time we did something about it," I called out to them, letting my voice stretch across the space. My throat strained from it since that instinct came so easily when my wolf had been part of me. The human part of me was left to try and make up for what I lost.

I half expected the group to quiet down and think about it, but their questions only doubled in volume. My fists clenched in quiet anger, wishing I could tap into that genuine alpha part of me that easily commanded obedience.

I could be a human alpha all I wanted, but without my powers, I lacked that effortless edge in their eyes.

A sharp whistle from Griffin caught everyone off-guard and forced them into silence. With his arms crossed, he glowered at them.

"Rowan had been rightfully elected as our leader, and it'll do everyone some good to listen to him!"

The uncomfortable quiet that lingered was only interrupted by low murmurs then, and it made me sigh.

"Not having my powers has been incredibly difficult to deal with. My connection to my wolf has essentially been severed, and every day without it has been harder than the last. I know that my fellow shifters feel the same loss, and I stand with you in that grief. I am only asking you to follow and work with me while we figure this out."

"What is the game plan, then?" Griffin prompted me, offering a helpful gesture to me.

Looking at the many faces in front of me, I noticed the hesitance tightly knit within them, but there were still glimmers of consideration. Of hope.

"I want us to work alongside the Rose Valley pack to get to the bottom of our issue. They might know something that we don't, and they may be the key to recovering our abilities. If we can call a truce and find a solution, then we can walk away from it and decide what we want from there," I explained, keeping my tone steady and genuine. "If we continue the way we have been, there will be nothing but pain and destruction on both sides."

"Not all of us here are—or were—shifters, so why should we care about helping everyone else recover their powers? What if we get caught in the middle like we did during the other attacks?" Someone called from the center of the room. "We lost good men, and I think I speak for everyone when I say we don't want to be caught in an ambush."

"I assure you, the Rose Valley pack doesn't attack unprovoked. They haven't before, and I have no doubt they wouldn't moving forward either. While we are at odds with them currently, it's no reason for them to send their men on us without reason. But your concern is why I want to call a truce," I began, watching as they took it all in. "If we can prove to them we don't want to cause any harm, then they have no reason to attack us. As for why you should care about your wolf-less comrades, my answer is simple. We are brothers. We are misfits in our own rights, and we have banded together through that fact. If your family is hurting, you find a way to make it better, no matter what it takes. In my opinion, we don't need to hurt anyone else to make that happen. We cannot fully function as a unit until everyone has healed from this."

Quiet chatter filled the room again, but it was more lighthearted. I received small nods of approval, and it finally seemed like they were connecting with my cause.

"I've heard that Rose Valley has an excellent doctor who might be able to help. His research could offer us a solution," I added, catching more of those agreeing sentiments.

With more consideration, the outrage began to feel more like understanding. While some members still looked uncertain about my ideas, they didn't outwardly disagree. It was a start, anyway.

Griffin faced the group completely, standing with all his intimidating height and mass. "Shout if you agree with the truce."

At once, the garage became a tin can of hollering and commotion and was accompanied by clapping. With acceptance.

Letting a gracious smile spread across my face, I took a deep breath of relief. The majority agreed with the plan, reassuring me that I was on the right track. It was only the beginning, but it was something.

In time, I could only hope our efforts would be met with the results we so badly needed.

"We will iron out the plan in the next coming days and get to work as soon as we can," I said at last, then stepped down from the platform. "Thank you for hearing me out. We will get to the bottom of this."

Another round of cheering moved all around me as they clapped my shoulders and gave me words of encouragement. It was a lot to stomach at once, but I took it in, hopeful for what was to come.

I felt relieved my men would follow me, and yet something nagged at me, like pin-pricks in the center of my chest.

The reminder that someone in Rose Valley resented me the most out of anyone, and proposing a truce meant finding myself in her home once again.

Chapter 2 - Willow

A gentle breeze swept in through the front door, carrying with it a calming aroma.

The storefront was somewhat of a mess with decorations and goods strewn about on the floor, even if the opening day wasn't far off.

Opening up a mystic shop was something I had always dreamed of, and the coven had been incredibly supportive of the idea. Since I was often being asked for readings and potions anyway, I took that as a sign to go bigger with it.

Looking at a box full of crystals and trinkets, I put out a hand and lifted it slowly, to which the contents carefully levitated. I grabbed them one by one and placed each item on the shelf in front of me until I was satisfied.

Releasing the spell in my mind, I took a step back and admired the new display.
