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Rowan heaved in deep breaths, seemingly even more affected than I was. As it coursed through him, he relaxed once it ebbed away, and he dropped himself next to me on the mattress.

I felt almost delirious by the end of it, beyond exhausted and barely hanging on to consciousness. My eyes were heavy, blissed out, and so grateful for the tingling inside me.

Hardly registering as Rowan’s arm wrapped around me, making sure I didn’t leave his side, I was coaxed into drowsiness by the temptation of sleep.

As my eyes closed and I felt myself slipping away, I felt something new within him.

Like a shift in his aura. An alteration of his very composition.

But I didn’t have the strength to question it, not when I was so full, satisfied, and complete.

Chapter 13 - Rowan

By the time I opened my eyes the next morning, the other side of the bed was empty and cold. I reached across, hoping I’d find her warmth to curl into, but Willow wasn’t there. My heart dropped immediately.

Laying there, I couldn’t help but wonder if she regretted it. If Willow came to her senses the moment she woke up and tore away from me, ashamed for finding herself so close to me.

Before I could get angry with myself for entertaining the idea that there was a chance for us to be something, Willow stepped through the threshold of the bedroom and found me lying there.

Relief flooded my chest the moment I realized she didn’t look angry or revolted. Instead, she was dressed in a more casual green dress that suited her and in the middle of brushing her seemingly endless damp hair.

“Good morning,” I managed to say despite the lingering gruffness in my throat. “What’s the hurry?”

I had half a mind to pull her back into bed with me and try to convince her that was where she’d rather be. It was the best place, in my opinion, anyway.

“The premonition from last night,” she began, wincing as the brush snagged in her hair. “I need to tell Kai and the others about it, remember?”

I contemplated the idea of convincing her to stay, but when I sensed the urgency in her movements, I knew I couldn’t stop her from delivering the news.

I wanted to bask in what developed between us, but it would have to wait a little while longer.

Willow disappeared back into the small ensuite bathroom to finish getting herself ready, and I took the opportunity to find my clothes scattered around the bedroom floor, pulling them back on.

As I buttoned up my jeans, I asked her, “Would you like me to take you there?”

After a moment, Willow returned to the room and gave me a hesitant smile. I could sense the shred of resistance that came from her. “Sorry, but I’d rather head there alone for now. But you’re welcome to come and listen in. I’m sure hearing what Kai thinks about it might help one way or another.”

My stomach clenched at the words, assuming that Willow didn’t want to be seen rolling up with me.

I couldn’t say I blamed her, not after all the problems my group caused and how I wasn’t exactly the town's favorite. I knew where she was coming from, and I didn’t object.

Our night together seemed promising, and I could only hope that she didn’t secretly regret it. I know I didn’t.

While I wanted nothing more than to respect her boundaries, I couldn’t help but long to feel her again. To know her warmth and feel like we were the only two people left in the world.

I never thought I’d find myself so desperate to gain anyone’s favor, yet it didn’t feel like a bad thing when it had something to do with Willow.

Thinking about how amazing it felt to be one with her, I said my goodbye and slipped out of the house, wondering where we stood.


The cool morning air helped to soothe the desire I had for her, wishing I didn’t have to leave so soon. Even if the sex had been mind-blowing, I didn’t think I’d still be so worked up about it, but the sharp wind whistling around me helped take some of that edge off.

Before I could get too far, a strange sensation flooded my system, making me slow my bike down to a stop. Propping myself up in the middle of the road, I looked down at my hand and felt as it flexed. Like a concentration of power was there, it felt solid and more like it used to.

That sensation coursed through my whole body then. The influx of strength moved through me, and I got off my motorcycle before anything could happen.

Looking inward as I heaved out a surprised breath, I was met with a familiar presence I had missed more than anything. My wolf.
