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It was a matter of time before something clicked into place, and it wouldn’t help to feed into that indignation and cause more tension.

Chapter 14 - Willow

My stomach turned just from seeing how dismissive the others were about Rowan. He was only there to stay in the loop, yet Finn looked like he was nothing more than a street rat begging for scraps.

I was surprised by my sudden change of heart. I had felt the same resistance for him and his group before, but Rowan’s sincerity started to chip away at my defenses.

After our time together, the bond within me had swelled in size, forcing me to see him in a different light.

Finally nurtured like it always wanted to be, the barely-beating heart of my bond had come to life, and while it was not something I expected, it helped put me at ease. To feel that warmth and connection, and to know I wasn’t being cast aside by Rowan.

There was a safety in being near him, and that part of me found him far too addictive to ignore despite the other half still needing to heal. At the very least, I didn’t find repulsion in his presence, and my curiosity was always piqued.

Regardless of how Rowan had injured our relationship before, I could feel that he wanted to do better, and he had already put in so much to change himself.

I could only imagine the mental hurdles he had to overcome in order to be different from his father.

While I felt very different and complete in a new sense after our night together, something in me didn’t want to tell the others about our bond. It felt like opening something I couldn’t take back, and I didn’t want more problems to deal with. I had the feeling they wouldn’t take lightly to me forgiving Rowan to some capacity.

Seeing him across the room, present and prepared to do whatever was necessary to help his men, I couldn’t help but notice how different he looked. He held his head up confidently, and something was swimming in his aura. More strength than before. Purpose, determination, and a more tangible connection between us. It was like we were tethered together all over again, and it undoubtedly made him seem like the most attractive man I had ever seen.

The bond pulsed as I looked at him and appreciated his handsome face. It made my thoughts wander back to the previous night, even if it had been entirely unexpected.

Eventually, Finn huffed and crossed his arms, attention on me. “What did you see?”

Pushing the thoughts away with an even breath, I began, feeling as ice returned to my veins at the memory. “Everything was dark before I saw a figure. It looked like a woman with pale grey skin and cold eyes. There was something humanoid about her looks, but beyond that, she didn’t feel entirely like one. The energy she gave off was…haunting. Almost evil. It was horrible to look at, but it noticed me and smiled.

“I know it doesn’t sound like much, but the feeling of dread it gave me was the same I felt before Rowan and the others arrived. Ever since they came to receive help with recovering their wolves, I couldn’t help but notice that connection. I have the feeling that figure is somehow connected to their severed connections with their wolves, and every shifter here in Rose Valley might be in danger all the same if my gut feeling is right.”

Everyone seemed to recoil at my words, pulling back as if they couldn’t make sense of what I just said. Some looked apprehensive, while others didn’t want to believe it.

Finn furrowed his brows. “Are you sure this isn’t just speculation? There might not be a connection between the two at all, and you could’ve just seen a vengeful spirit or something.”

River threw him a correcting glare. “Willow’s premonitions have never been wrong. She’s one of the strongest witches in Rose Valley, and if we’re smart, we’ll take her warning seriously.”

Finn deflated slightly at that, not willing to argue with his wife.

“I’ve been feeling this persistent doom for some time now, but I’ve never been affected by a vision quite like I was last night.”

Kai’s face took on a more worried expression as he thoughtfully rubbed his chin. “Have you ever seen this being before, or do you know what it is?”

Shaking my head, I felt almost disappointed for not having any more information. “I don’t. I was hoping to hear a name or identity attached to it, but so far, nothing.”

All the oxygen in the room seemed to be sucked away as everyone mauled over the premonition, completely on edge. I didn’t want to make everyone more afraid of what was unraveling in front of us, but I knew I couldn’t keep it to myself.

Even if it gave us a slight warning, then maybe we’d be more able to face what was happening or what could’ve been on the way.

“Is there anything my men can do in the meantime?” Rowan asked, glancing around the room.

Several glances were thrown in his direction, but Kai sighed.

“Not at present. We don’t know what this thing is or what we’re supposed to prepare for.”

Feeling his dejection through the bond, my heart lurched for Rowan. Stepping in, I tried to steer the course of our meeting. “I’m going to try and find a name through various divination techniques. I’ll let you know what I find out."

Kai nodded absently, seeming just as lost and apprehensive as the rest of us. "That’s our only option for the time being. The more we know, the better off we’ll be.”

Acknowledging him, I bowed my head slightly and folded my hands in front of myself.
