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“Good man,” I said, chuckling as he settled right into place. “How are the others doing?”

“They’re a bit restless, but they’re fine. I told them to stay away from Kai’s men for the time being.”

I nodded my approval at the decision. “Better to avoid them than cause any more tension. Hopefully, that won’t be an issue for long.”

“Ideally, I’d like to get my wolf back and square up to the second-in-command,” Griffin said half-heartedly. When he noticed my unimpressed expression, he raised his hands in defense. “Only joking. I wouldn’t dare threaten the delicate peace we currently have.”

Snickering at his ironic tone, I slowly began walking backward, eager to see something other than trees. “I’m sure you wouldn’t. Enjoy your watch.”

Griffin gave me a short salute, then we said our goodbyes, and I was off.

Deeper in the woods than I had been in a while, I savored the fresh scents around me and the sun’s warmth as it leaked through the treetops.

There was no way to describe how refreshing it was to take everything in with my strengthened senses, having missed it for far too long.

It made everything feel more alive, like every blade of grass and every tree had a beating heart of their own. There was no missing the purpose of every function and cycle that occurred right beneath any human’s nose, as everything moved like a well-oiled machine.

To a human, the woods felt like a never-ending space that didn’t have any rhyme or reason. It was difficult to map out and get a solid understanding of the forest. But as a shifter, that map was laid out before me, all down to each rock and every patch of moss.

It was invigorating, and I wanted my men to feel that rush again.

Navigating through those trees, the distant humming sound caught my attention, and I stopped. Zeroing in on it, I felt a pull from my bond, and I knew at once that it was Willow before I even had the chance to spot her.

Remembering where I was, I realized I wasn’t far from Willow’s house. It would only be a short walk.

Catching a glimpse of her through the trees, I approached without giving it a second thought.

She sang to herself quietly in a meadow while she plucked various wild herbs and flowers she could get her hands on. She moved so gracefully in her billowy white dress that it made her look ethereal. Her long hair was braided in two down her back, where several small flowers poked out from between the plaits.

I appreciated her beauty as I walked closer, amazed by how simple yet incredible everything about her was. She lived with mostly the bare necessities and didn’t care for the flashy or expensive things in life, yet she made every humble thing she did seem so appealing. So magnetizing.

Even something as timid as walking and picking flowers, she made it look as divine as possible.

Willow knew what she wanted out of life, and she lived it to the fullest. It made me want to do the same.

When she spotted me, her humming ceased, but she gave me a smile.

“I hope I didn’t startle you,” I said, putting my hands in my pockets.

“Not at all,” she returned gently, continuing through the lush grass with her bare feet. She picked up her wicker basket halfway full of colorful herbs and flowers and ventured over to a tree packed with small, deep-purple berries. Placing the basket down again, she began picking.

I felt more at ease around her, more confident in where we stood, even if it was still unspoken. As much as I wanted to feel out exactly what she thought of me or what our next step was, I didn’t want to pressure her. I needed to take things slow, and that was something I could manage.

“What are you up to?”

“Just foraging and enjoying the day,” Willow replied, letting the dark juice from the berries stain her fingertips. “I felt called to gather things and walk through the grass, so that’s exactly what I chose to do.”

“What do you do with all of this?” I asked honestly, gesturing to the basket of natural goods.

Willow looked pleasantly surprised by my questions, but she smiled. “I usually make potions or tonics, since my friends are always asking for them. Some will go in the store, but most are just for personal use. Everything in nature can be useful one way or another.”

I didn’t necessarily understand what it meant, nor did I see the vision of it, but it was nice to see her so happy and relaxed. It seemed like something that made her content, and I didn’t feel like it was my place to question that.

“Is it all right if I walk with you?”

Dusting her hands off, she picked up the basket and motioned in the direction she wanted to go. “Absolutely. I’m hoping to find some mushrooms near the creek.”

“Lead the way,” I said, more than happy for the chance to spend some time with her.
