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That was, before he rejected me.

I knew him when we were five years younger, and that tether I felt between us was one of the most magical things I had ever experienced.

It was the promise of something pure and magical between us, like coming home. When I first met him, I saw a beautiful future for us that I wanted to explore.

But the moment he realized that connection was there, he was furious. He was appalled by the very idea of me and turned me away for being a witch.

My heart had been shattered and fragmented before he even had the chance to know me.

Even if I tried those following years to forget about that bond and to heal, it was still a sensitive wound.

The pain lingered in my stomach as I came back to reality, still feeling the aftermath of that premonition.

Hayley was next to me, holding my arm for support. Alora wasn't far as she made her way over, eyes petrified and mirroring the former's.

"What happened?"

"Are you all right?" Alora asked, making sure I didn't fall from my seat.

I swallowed harshly. "I had a premonition."

"Your visions never affect you like this," Hayley commented, studying me closely. "What caused this kind of reaction?"

Feeling how cold my skin was when I wiped the back of my hand against my forehead, I tried to shake off the thoughts of doom that lingered in my mind.

“It was more of a feeling. It was so dark and heavy, and nothing really made sense. I felt like I couldn’t breathe,” I managed to say, taking a deep breath. “I didn’t see much, but I heard engines revving, and I…”

Hayley furrowed her brows. “What else?”

Just as I went to say it, my throat closed around the words, and I stopped. I couldn’t tell them about Rowan, not yet. That wound still felt too fresh even after all those years, and I didn’t want to get into it.

As the ghost of that pain in my stomach subsided, I deflated. I felt more like myself again, and less strained by how damning that vision seemed. “Nothing, it was just a lot to shoulder. I’ve never felt a premonition so intense before.”

Seemingly understanding, the girls both nodded, and Alora put a comforting hand on my back. “I’m sorry it was so traumatic, Willow.”

“I know we were just talking about how safe town has been, but I have the feeling something awful is coming,” I confessed, reigning myself back in.

Seeing premonitions usually took some energy out of me, but never like that. I had never felt so disconnected from myself before.

The girls’ faces seemed to pale at my words, but Hayley was the first one to clue in.

“Wait, you said revving. As in, motorcycles revving?”

Alora’s eyes widened. “Do you think it has anything to do with them?”

“It might partially, but not entirely,” I said, aware that I wasn’t making much sense. “It felt like something bigger than them.”

“I don’t like the sound of that,” Hayley murmured, glancing between the two of us.

“Maybe we should call Kai,” Alora said, her expression turning more grim the longer she thought about it.

“I’m sure he’d want to hear about it just in case. Maybe then we can know what to expect.”

Nodding absently, I knew it was the right thing to do.

Even so, I couldn’t shake the dread that lingered in my chest. I had kept Rowan out of my head for some time, since pretending he didn’t exist was the only thing that managed to take some of that sting away.

It had been so long that he truly did start to feel like somewhat of a specter in my life, but seeing his face again felt like salt in my wound.
