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I was surprised yet hopeful about how direct it was, feeling glad that I seemed to be growing on her. It made me wonder if she wanted me just as badly as I wanted her.

Revving up my motorcycle, I pulled out of the parking lot and drove over as fast as I could, curious about what was in store for us.

Willow was ever-present in my mind, and no matter the time or place, those thoughts would eventually wander into dangerous territory.

Not only did our connection instill in me the instinct to protect and care for her, but it also made me long to touch her. To feel her body against mine.

Some days, I felt so ravenous that I wondered how much of me was human and how much was taken over by my wolf.

She was utterly addicting, and I wasn’t sure if she knew how powerful she was.

With the wind against me and a freshness in the air, I felt lighter and ready for anything. Willow gave me so much hope that I hardly had the time to think about anything else.

Pulling up to her house on the edge of the woods, I turned my motorcycle off and walked it up her driveway, afraid of ruining the peace for her.

Before long, I propped it up and removed my helmet to find her on the porch swing.

Smiling instinctively, I approached.

Willow looked lost in thought while she swung carefully, staring off into the woods around us. She took a moment to acknowledge me with a small pull of her lips. “Hi.”

“Hi to you too,” I returned gently, noticing how strange she seemed to be acting.

Usually, she was radiant with life and enthusiasm for the things she loved, but Willow seemed somewhat absent and lost in thought.

“What’s going on?”

It was strange to see her be so reserved. She took a long breath in while I climbed the stairs and stood not far from her.

She took a moment to gather her thoughts before she began. “I had been so hurt when you rejected me all those years ago, even if I tried to deny it. I tried to hide it from not only you but from myself as well.”

Feeling a drop in my stomach, my shoulders sank from that regret and anguish. “Willow, I’m sorry—”

But her raised palm stopped me before I could continue, and I shut my mouth to listen.

She seemed to steady herself again. “I had been so hurt by it that I didn’t think we’d ever be able to make amends, even if we tried. But I was pleasantly surprised by how amazing everything has been lately. Even with our strengthening bond, I have a new reason to question your intentions and loyalty.”

Furrowing my brows together, the confusion ate away at me. I was worried I had somehow done something to screw things up without realizing it. Afraid that I had ruined everything all over again.

My stomach knotted tightly, and I cleared my throat. “What do you mean?”

Willow took in a deep breath and closed her eyes. She put a hand against her stomach, fingers sprawled against the fabric of her dress. “I’m pregnant. The baby is yours.”

I nearly staggered at the words, stunned into silence. Looking back at her, I half expected Willow to crack and say it was just a prank. But Willow wasn’t one to do such things.

Aware that she looked completely serious, a tidal wave of thoughts and emotions hit me at once.

There was a hint of panic at the idea of becoming a parent without the intention of doing so, along with the reality of what it all meant. Yet simultaneously, the notion of having a baby on the way put me at ease.

None of it made sense to me, how something so world-changing didn’t seem all that bad. But that overwhelming sense of duty to protect and provide for Willow was the one thing guiding me seamlessly through the jumble of mixed emotions.

I softened my features, aware that I had to say something eventually. “Are you afraid I’ll leave you because of it?”

Willow seemed to swallow her pride as she nodded, unable to say anything else. Though worried and unsure about everything, I still thought she looked incredibly beautiful.

Knowing what had to be done, I took a deep breath and sat next to her on the porch swing. I looked out at the trees across from us, taking in that wondrous glow of golden hour. I knew right away why she had the swing positioned that way.

I pulled myself together and tried to find the best words that I could.
