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My head lolled back as Rowan created a steady rhythm, lifting his head long enough to plant his sloppy kisses on my mouth.

I tried to keep up with his affections, but the sinful movements of his hips claimed most of my attention.

With the increasing pace and depth of his thrusts, Rowan’s breath fanned my lips, reminding me just how close his mouth hovered above mine like a tease.

But before I could capture his with my own, he reached a new angle that tore the breath right from my lungs. My eyes clenched shut to soak in every second of that raw gratification.

Favoring each deep and sensual rut over ridiculous speed, Rowan managed to create a path of burning pleasure in his wake, and I couldn’t get enough.

My hips moved along with his, creating new bursts of sensation through us both.

When his strained grunts reached me, I knew he was feeling the full brunt of it. It didn’t take long for him to increase his speed, but he was still able to use those angles to his advantage.

Wrapping my legs around him, I was so blissfully intoxicated by the feel of him that it made me delirious. That paired with the hormones running through my system, had my head spinning.

Rowan’s fingers gently clutched my chin to make me look at him while he thrusted into me, making me melt all over again.

Even tense and on the brink of release, he looked angelic yet rugged in his own way, which had me more than assured in my choice to give him another chance.

Faltering at how tightly I squeezed around him, his forehead dropped against mine, and my nails raked down his back. I was already so blissed out, but the mounting pressure within my lower belly got so intense that I couldn’t keep my eyes open any longer. I gripped Rowan for dear life as my insides snapped, and my toes curled at the rush of endorphins.

Reaching cloud nine, I hardly had the senses left to feel as he pumped into me several more times until his hips stuttered, and his warmth filled me.

While I felt orgasms with Rowan would be intense even if he weren’t a shifter at all, they were on another level with our connection in full bloom. It was the perfect relief, yet the most addictive thing I ever felt.

Catching our breath on the couch, Rowan tucked into my side as we both looked up at the ceiling, so overcome by that bliss that we couldn’t manage any words for the first few minutes.

But as we relaxed, he pulled me into his chest and pressed a delicate kiss against my temple. A blanket was draped over our naked bodies, and I knew it wouldn’t be the last round of the night.

Nestled in his arms, feeling safe and perfectly content, it was difficult for me to remember a time without him.

Rowan made me feel complete, and I wouldn’t trade him for anything.

Chapter 21 - Willow

Clouds moved above our heads across the overcast sky as we got to work downtown.

Boxes of decorations made to look like pumpkins, corn stalks, and various other seasonal items were spread out and waiting to be unpacked. Streamers colored burnt orange, gold, and warm brown ran from lamp post to lamp post, swaying in the breeze.

I managed to recruit quite a few coven sisters to help us get ready for the harvest festival, and they were all busy at work. It was already coming together, and I couldn’t help but feel more excited about it.

While the strain of my pregnancy wasn’t from my belly yet, since the bump was still hardly noticeable, the exhaustion was the worst part. It made me drag my feet somewhat, but Alora was kind enough to help me with some of the more strenuous parts.

While we unfolded a white table and prepped it to become a freshly squeezed lemonade stand, I thought about how different things had become since I came out with the pregnancy announcement.

Many of the shifters stayed away from me entirely, choosing not to get in the way of me or Rowan at all. But the girls had been better and more supportive, often sending me tea or baked goods. When they saw me in town, they made sure to stop for a chat, which helped with my morale.

But even still, something wasn’t quite right.

“A lot of the shifters have been looking at me funny since I mentioned the pregnancy,” I said to Alora, relieved to have her—a witch—to speak with.

Alora hummed in acknowledgement, then nodded thoughtfully. “They’ve been on edge since Rowan and his group showed up, and I think some are still suspicious of his motives, especially now that he can shift again, but nobody else can.”

The reminder irritated me all over again. I tried to keep my anger in as I tied one end of the streamers to the top of a table leg. “He doesn’t have any other motives.”

“I know, I believe him too,” she said with a warm smile. “I just think the others will take some time to get used to Rowan. His affiliation with the previous attacks rubs them the wrong way, but with Kai’s acceptance, I’m sure they’ll forgive him and his men eventually.”

Sighing to myself, I knew she was right.
