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Everyone around us looked just as thrilled, taking in the joy of it all.

My men and I never experienced events such as that one, and a part of me wished they could all be there for themselves. But that was something I needed to remember for the future, so long as everything went over well between our groups.

“You and the coven did beautifully,” I said to Willow, holding her hand while we walked. “You put so much time and effort into this, and it turned out perfectly.”

Willow smiled up at me, looking pleased about the recognition. There was a faint warmth in her cheeks, bashful and glowing. “Thank you. It was nice to put my energy into something for the community.”

“Do you always put this much time into these things?” I asked, still taken aback by the finest of details.

“Usually, yes. River likes to take charge of most of them, and she always puts her full attention into it,” she replied, taking in the various food stands while we walked by them. “It helps bring everyone together, and it’s usually the one way we can make everyone feel better during uncertain times.”

The sunlight illuminated her hair so wonderfully that I had half a mind to wonder if she was a harvest goddess herself.

Remembering myself, I nodded thoughtfully. “The passion shows.”

Beaming at me, she hooked her arm in mine and pointed at an exhibit to our left. “Let’s look at the crops farmers brought in!”

Not willing to deny her, along with my secret curiosity about said crops, I followed and took in the sights.

There were tables of different crops, from squash to colorful corn and massive sunflower heads. But behind it all was a display for the biggest pumpkins grown in Rose Valley.

They were arranged from the lightest to the heaviest, and the biggest ones were complete monsters. We were both amazed by them. I wasn’t one to stop and appreciate crops or the hard work farmers put into supplying them, but I took the time to really consider everything the people of Rose Valley put into their work.

Making our way out of the exhibit, I found myself completely immersed in the energy of it all, despite the lingering eyes I felt on me from afar.

Even if some of the people we came across gave me less-than-ideal glances, I tried my best to overlook it. Regardless of what they thought of me, I only returned pleasant looks and hoped they realized I noticed.

Pushing back the slight discomfort, I followed Willow’s lead toward the center of the celebration.

Before we could get into anything else, Kai and Sienna approached us, both smiling at the turnout.

“I’m so glad to see you both here,” Sienna said first, reaching for Willow’s hands. “Everything looks great!”

Kai chuckled with a hand against the small of her back. “River has been restless about making sure everything was perfect. But it really paid off.”

Willow exchanged her smiles with them. “Thank you. It was a pleasure to work on.”

With a positive look on his face, Kai clapped a hand against my shoulder. “We appreciate seeing you here, Rowan.”

Nodding respectfully, I was warmed by the sentiment. “Glad to be here. I don’t think I’ve ever seen pumpkins quite so big.”

“Just wait. The guys always do a pumpkin throwing contest to see who can throw the big ones the farthest,” Kai added. “But I’ve been the crown victor for years now. Don’t be disappointed if you try and lose to me.”

Sienna rolled her eyes at that and laughed. “That’s because you’re the alpha, and everyone lets you win.”

Kai scoffed in feigned offense, and we chuckled along with them.

It was a relief to feel that everything was moving along smoothly, and I was getting more comfortable around them.

Sienna’s face brightened at someone approaching behind us. “More friends!”

Sure enough, Alora, Hayley, Yara, and Sara joined us, with their husbands and boyfriends trailing behind. Kai said his greetings to them while the girls greeted me and Willow, mentioning how nice it was to see us both in attendance.

At one point in time, those sorts of social events wouldn’t have been for me. I never would’ve even stepped foot in a festival so packed with people.

But with Willow by my side, I was more than happy to be there. To have the opportunity to watch as she glowed with happiness.

She was a complete ray of sunshine, and it made my wolf reach out to her in admiration.
