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I held my arm out to her, to which she accepted it, and we began to walk on the outskirts of the event.

With the lampposts on, our path was lit up and looked beautiful beneath the darkening sky.

“How does it feel to be an honorary member of the Rose Valley pack? By extension, of course,” Willow asked as she gave me a teasing smile.

Relaxed by her presence, I walked like I was weightless. “It’s even better than I could’ve imagined. Especially since I’m not considered a wanted man for being with the woman I love.”

Willow paused at that word and looked at me with emotion building in her eyes. She didn’t say anything, even if it looked like she wanted to.

“You heard me,” I murmured, taking both of her hands in mine as I brought her closer. With a hand against her cheek, I let the other fall to her waist. “I have never felt anything like our bond before, and I know that nothing will ever compare. I had been a fool once, but I won’t let that happen again. I don’t ever want to be apart from you.”

As tears welled in her eyes, she looked up at me like I was the sun shining down on her. It made my heart squeeze.

“I love you, Willow, and I will always be here for you and our child.”

She sniffled as a smile broke out across her face. “I love you too, Rowan. I always will.”

As raw, blinding affection burned through our connection, I couldn’t resist any longer.

Closing the space between us, I brought her lips closer to mine and melded them together. I let her feel every ounce of adoration I had for her, and I intended never to let her forget just how important she was to me.

A distant whine followed by a loud snap tore us apart at once, immediately on alert.

But that defense fell as color exploded in the sky, glittering and fizzing out.

More fireworks went off, lighting up the space around us. Cheers came from the crowd of people gathered in the square to watch them, all excited to watch the show.

Smiling at the special occasion, I wrapped an arm around Willow’s shoulders and held her close, basking in the love and security that existed between us.

She settled into me, and everything felt perfect.

Chapter 31 - Willow

White sheets reached just beneath my belly and didn’t come up any further, not while we both inspected the bump that finally began to swell with life.

I watched as Rowan trailed a finger to the apex of it as if pretending to measure just how big it had gotten, and he traced careful circles into my skin.

“I think he’ll have your eyes,” I murmured, rubbing my bump with pure adoration. “I hope he does, anyway.”

“If he does, then I hope he has your hair.”

I chuckled at that, then glanced over at him. “That’s highly likely, you know.”

My heart jumped at his cool, perfect smile. “Even better then.”

“Do you ever get afraid for what’s to come?” I asked, letting my curiosity get the better of me. “Like you might not meet the standards you’ve made for yourself as a parent.”

Rowan pondered the question for a moment, then he flattened his palm against my belly and moved it in gentle caresses. “I used to, but not anymore.”

“How come?”

“Because I have faith that we will love our son so fiercely that no matter what happens, even our mistakes will always come from a good place,” Rowan explained, moving closer so that his lips were inches from mine. “And because I promise that no matter what happens, our bond will be a tether and a symbol of our love. No matter how tired we get or how stressful parenthood becomes, that love will always be there.”

My nose burned with emotion as I looked at him with all the fondness I had inside me.

Unable to think of anything as profound to say, I pressed my lips to his.

Rowan sucked in a deep breath as he returned it just as longingly, bringing a hand up to cradle my head.
