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Kai held his stand of superiority, taking me in for another moment before he released some of that intimidation. “All right, then. I like to think I’m a fair man, so I’ll hear you out. But only you and your right-hand there for now.”

“Done and done,” I said, motioning for Griffin to follow.

Kai started toward what looked like a community building behind him, and we followed closely. Finn waited until we passed him with another glare, and a handful of others flanked us. Two men and two women, one with short black hair while the other was blonde.

We strode inside, somewhat tense still, but feeling hopeful.

“Let’s not mince words here,” Kai started, leaning against a table while Finn stood behind him, and the others were at various points in the room, observing. “You and your group being here is the last thing my people need. Many of them are still healing from the pain you caused, and I’m sure they are hoping I’ll punish you for what happened. If you hope to avoid that, then I need you to state your reason for being here plainly. We will know if you’re being dishonest.”

Completely aware of his keen sense of smell and natural instincts, I was certainly glad I had no lies lined up.

“I’m sure you assumed that we are human, but that’s not entirely true. Many of us are shifters, as I am, or had been,” I began, gauging their looks of interest. “Somehow, we lost our powers. We were in full control until, one day, we couldn’t access our wolves anymore. I haven’t shifted in years.”

Kai’s face fell, riddled with confusion. “How is that possible?”

I shrugged. “That’s what we’re trying to figure out. My dad, our previous leader who conducted the attacks here, blamed your witch coven. I don’t know how he got it in his head, but he convinced many of our people who were searching for someone to take their anger out on. I knew it didn’t make any sense, and since then, I’ve been trying to change that previous notion among my people.”

“What does it feel like?” The woman with black hair asked, looking strangely empathetic toward a stranger. “Losing that connection with your wolf?”

I took a deep breath in and dug within myself, only to find nothing there. “Incredibly empty. I try to reach out to him, but he doesn’t respond. It’s like he’s not there at all. Not having that power leaves an ache behind that can’t be mended. It’s one of the worst pains I’ve ever experienced.”

She frowned. “That sounds horrible. I couldn’t imagine.”

From the way she seemed to internalize my struggle, I could only assume she was a shifter, too. She strikingly resembled the alpha.

Kai stood from his more casual position, taking a single step closer to me with intrigue scattered across his features. “If your group blamed it on our witches, then came to your senses, what are you hoping we’ll do about it?”

“Why should we help you anyway?” Finn added, still giving us those scalding looks.

“Since we don’t know the cause of it, we don’t know what to look for, and the same exact thing could happen to you,” I started, not wanting to step on anyone’s toes. “I want peace between us so that we can work together to get to the bottom of this. I’m only hoping that you will help us uncover who or what took our powers so that you and your people won’t ever have to worry about it happening to you. After that, we will go our separate ways and never come back if that is what you want.”

Kai eyed us somewhat skeptically still, even if he seemed to take it more seriously since hearing about our missing powers. “And you can tell me with complete honesty that you don’t have anything planned against us? No tricks?”

Looking at him with as much of a genuine expression as I could conjure, I said, “No tricks. In fact, we didn’t come here with a single weapon on us. We mean it.”

Kai glanced between his pack members, seeming to deliberate among themselves without having to say a word out loud. Then, he sighed and nodded absently.

“All right. If peace is what you want, then we will do our best to uphold that. I’ll send word to our doctor and have him conduct research as soon as possible. He may wish to do a physical on you and some of your wolves if you don’t mind,” Kai agreed to my relief. “But remember, Rowan. You are in our home, and I expect you and your men to be on your best behavior.”

While I knew that latter statement would’ve made the old me angry, I didn’t care. I was too grateful for his acceptance to put up any sort of defense for us.

Kai was willing to work with us, and that was what mattered.

As if the tension within me could finally deflate, I nodded. “Thank you. I mean it.”

While Kai acknowledged me with a single nod, I could still sense the coldness he had for me—the slight reluctance to help.

“Also, most of the gang won’t be permitted to stay here in town. You and a few hand-selected men can stay at our hotel. Having everyone here might be too much for the townspeople.”

Nodding without thinking twice about it, I had no objection on my tongue. I had the feeling many of my men wouldn’t want to stick around anyway, not when they could distance themselves from what was going on.

“I understand.”

While things still seemed uncertain, I was grateful for the chance. It was a small step, but it was the beginning of peace that I hoped to support for many years to come.

Chapter 4 - Willow

Warm sunlight streamed in through the front door of my shop as I went to prop it open. Carrying a small street sign with me, I hobbled my way outside and was met with a soft, gentle breeze.
