Page 18 of My Bully Alpha

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Although we were mates, I couldn't let that happen anyway. I was still too angry at him and Sam for what happened. While it was customary, I just couldn't.

It was all so confusing, given my adamant refusal and how a part of me was excited by the idea of the traitorous bond. But I couldn’t blame it all on our connection.

I could barely breathe as I was guided back into the house, able to get a better look than I had my first day there.

From the shining marble countertops to the chic black hardware and fixtures to the sheer size of the house itself, there was no questioning that Levi had money. It made me wonder how he stumbled upon that kind of wealth, but I didn't feel we were close enough for me to ask that question.

"You'll be living here with me, and I won't have you sleeping in a different bedroom," Levi said, heading up the sleek staircase. "If you don't like it, you'll have to get used to it."

A spark of defiance moved through me at that, annoyed by his demands, but the energy I had to voice my displeasure vanished.

I was too lost in thought, questioning if Levi would really make me go through with completing the mating bond.

Following behind him, my pulse was in my ears. The closer we were to the bedroom, the harder my heart hammered.

I hardly knew him, and he didn't know me either. We were strangers despite the bond, and a ceremony wouldn't change that, regardless of how beautiful I found him.

The moment we reached the bedroom, my skin went cold. The door was closed, and Levi stood in front of me, meeting my gaze as he took a step forward.

With an even breath, his eyes scanned me from top to bottom. Analyzing me.

He didn't say a word all the while, and I had no way to tell what he was thinking. I could only assume that he meant to get a headstart on the final act of the mating ritual.

It made my hands shake from down at my sides.

But despite my anger and fear, I stood my ground and looked back at him. As if that tether had given me a slight boost of confidence, I didn't look away from him.

We were so close then that I couldn't ignore the slight hunger in his eyes. The glaze of an alpha succumbing to his instincts.

Ever so carefully, Levi reached out his hand and touched one of the straps on my linen dress. He let his thumb graze over it, dragging it down until he reached the hem connected to the neckline.

I swallowed hard, unable to look away from his eyes despite how much I wanted to.

My skin seemed to warm the longer we held that gaze, and something moved within me. A willingness I hadn't possessed earlier. My wolf's desires to be one with her mate, and my own resolve as it seemed to weaken.

That tension grew so thick that it was nearly suffocating, and my mind spun.

Releasing a quiet sigh, Levi let go and continued past me, shattering that moment of silent contemplation.

As I struggled to understand what was happening or what his intentions were, Levi went to an ornate wardrobe and pulled one of the drawers open.

Blinking through my confusion, instead of being seduced as I had expected, I was handed an oversized shirt.

"You can wear this for now. I'll get you some new clothes of your own soon."

Levi continued toward the ensuite bathroom and closed the door behind himself, leaving me to try and grapple with the situation.

Initially, I had been horrified at the idea of having sex with him, but with my wolf wearing me down and not hating the prospect of it, having him turn his back on me felt more like a burn.

It was difficult to understand what was happening and what I was supposed to do with myself.

Taking the hint, I peeled out of the dress and pulled the shirt on, grateful for his bulking size.

The moment I laid out on the mattress and covered myself with the heavy blankets, confusing embarrassment overcame me, leaving my cheeks to burn.

Was I not enough for him? Did he decide that while he analyzed me?

I couldn't understand why it mattered or why I cared since I didn't want to consummate the bond anyway, but having him pass by me and not even try stung.
