Page 2 of My Bully Alpha

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“Or you could challenge him to a fight. Decide who is the strongest,” Ethan said, looking excited about the idea.

“While that’s not the worst idea, using brute force might further Sam’s claims about you being too aggressive,” Sebastian added, bringing up a valid point.

Ezra, with all his looming height, even while sitting down, chuckled. “The pretty boy wants to avoid violence again.”

All of us stifled our laughter at the dig. Thanks to his inherent good looks, Sebastian had been teased about it from day one. His clean-cut style didn’t help his situation much.

Sebastian rolled his eyes but took the jab well enough. “Listen, I’m prepared for a fight if need be. But I’m only saying it might be harder to build the trust again.”

“How do you know Sam would go for a fight anyway? He’s sneaky, not brave,” Jacob chimed in.

I thought on that for a moment, aware that he had a point. “He wouldn’t. Not if he’s aware he has more to lose than I do now. He’ll do whatever he can to back out.”

“Use that to your advantage then,” Beau suggested, nearly-black eyes laced with a serious sparkle. “Psych him out. Let him make a fool of himself and show the others how undeserving he is.”

Nodding, I knew it was a viable option. Likely my only option. “I wouldn’t mind burying my fist in his face, though.”

They chuckled, and Ethan knocked back more of his beer. “I’d pay to see that.”

Ezra snickered. “We know you would.”

“Whatever happens, we’re at your disposal if you need backup,” Sebastian said, steering the conversation back into a more serious one. “We might be a bunch of misfits, but we have each other’s backs.”

“I’ll keep that in mind,” I murmured, grateful for the strange friendships I had stumbled across when I needed it the most.

I had been holding onto my anger for so long that the thought of actually acting on it felt surreal. Not only had I been kicked out of the pack, but I had also been forced out of town. Aside from the few who wished to follow me, I didn’t have much left. It left me feeling restless, and trying to ignore that feeling seemed increasingly impossible.

Sam took it all from me, and that wrath I had for him only worsened with every passing day.

Regardless of his numbers, my deep desire to exact revenge could put him to shame. While he had the pack’s favor, I had the strength. The leadership qualities he lacked.

Everything I had previously worked toward seemed to have been for nothing, but it was time for that to change. Sam thought he was on top of the world for convincing the pack I wasn’t fit to be alpha, but he would be sorely mistaken.

“Honestly, you can’t deny a fight between the two would be incredible entertainment,” Ethan said, youth peeking through his hardened exterior. Despite being thirty, his more mischievous nature hadn’t left him yet.

“You’re not wrong,” Jacob admitted.

“It’s a wonder you haven’t finished him off already,” Ezra mumbled, poised to finish his frosted mug. “You’re a better man than me.”

“If it were you, that grave would be dug already,” Sebastian retorted, to which we all laughed. It was painfully true.

Ezra wasn’t known for his patience, and his usually reserved demeanor made him even more intimidating. It paid to have him on your side.

“Are we still on for Monday’s meeting?” Sebastian asked. “We have some figures to go over before the next product launch.”

Ethan threw his head back with a sound of protest. “Is the business talk essential? Let’s not wish the weekend away.”

“Unfortunately, some of us have a business to run, and it doesn’t stop just because it’s the weekend,” Sebastian replied.

“And some of us aren’t involved in this business.”

I couldn’t help but laugh at that. “No offense, Ethan, but that might be for a good reason.”

The others joined in, and even Ethan couldn’t deny it.

“I’ll gladly meet up for drinks on the weekend, but being stuck in a business meeting with you guys? Count me out,” he scolded, tossing back his drink.

“It’s no skin off our backs,” Beau said smugly.
