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“I hope you’re right,” I whisper.

He gives me a fatherly pat on the shoulder. “I am.”

Chapter 25

Today is the day. I wish I could tell Finley everything and bring her with me to the temple. It would be nice to have her support, but I don’t think she’s ready for the “dragons are real” conversation. It’ll just freak her out and make her even more vehemently against my relationship with Midas. I don’t need that, especially when she’s just starting to warm up to him.

Midas spent the night at my apartment, but I made him leave early this morning so that I could have some time with Finley before she goes to school. I can’t tell her everything, but there are some things she should know.

“You’re going away with him?” She gives me an incredulous look that I’m starting to think is her new permanent expression. “For how long?”

“Two weeks.” It’s shorter than Midas wanted, but it was the longest I felt comfortable leaving Finley. Apparently, the transition can take a bit of adjustment, and not everyone can handle the shifts well at the beginning. The last thing I need is to randomly shift in front of Finley or one of her friends.

Midas also said the completion of the bond will probably throw us into some kind of heat, and all we’ll want to do is have sex. Or as he put it, “I’m going to be insatiable. I’m going to rut you senseless every moment of every day. Your cunt is going to reform to the shape of me as I make you mine in both your forms.”

I shiver remembering his dirty words and how deep he was inside me when he said them.

Finley shakes her head at me. “Snap out of it. He’s not that hot.”

“Agree to disagree.”

She takes a bite of toast and chews slowly. I can see the wheels spinning as she takes this all in. “So you’re just gonna let me stay here by myself for two weeks?”

I bark a laugh. “Absolutely not. I’m not leaving a seventeen-year-old alone for two weeks.”

“Almost eighteen. I can take care of myself.” Her eyes glare and her lips pout. It’s an expression that is so familiar it makes me smile.

I reach across the table and take her hand, but she yanks it out of my grip. This whole teenager thing can seriously get on my nerves sometimes. You’d think after five years I’d know how to walk this line of mom and sister, but I still haven’t figured it out.

“So, who are you pushing me off on? There’s no way Sora’s mom will let me stay with them that long in their tiny place.”

Finley’s best friend, Sora, is a sweet girl, but her mom is something else. Finley’s absolutely right that she’d never take on my sister for two weeks.

“How about Sora stays here with me while you’re gone?” She suggests.

I know exactly how that will end. They’re both good girls, but at seventeen they would go crazy with two weeks of sudden freedom.

“Actually, you’ll be staying at Midas’s apartment. Lennox is going to hire movers to move our things, and he’ll keep an eye on you while we’re gone. He and his wife live just below Midas’s place. You’ll have some freedom, and we don’t mind if you have Sora stay with you some of the time, but Lennox and his wife will be around to make sure things don’t get out of hand.” I give her an assessing look. “No parties. No boys unless Lennox or his wife are with you and your curfew is still ten.”

“People can have sex before nighttime, you know,” she snarks.

I sigh. “Just be careful, okay?”

“So we’re really moving in with him after only a week?”

I spin my coffee mug with a soft smile. “Yeah. We are.”

“Well, I guess I can at least enjoy the place before this all blows up and we’re back looking for apartments.”

I take her hand, and this time she lets me. “I wish you could be happy for me, Fin.”

She gives my fingers a squeeze. “I am. I mean, I’m glad you’re happy. You deserve it. I’m just… worried.”

“I know.” I pull her into a hug and discreetly wipe a tear before it can fall down my cheek. For so long, it’s just been Finley and me. I’m relieved that it won’t be that way anymore, that I’ll have Midas. But it will be an adjustment. Things are going to change. And there’s some sadness that comes with that.

“You better get ready for school,” I say, pulling away. “Lennox will pick you up at three, since the movers are coming while you’re in class, and I’ll already be gone.”

She shakes her head. “You two are bat shit crazy, you know that?”

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