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Nothing can describe the pleasure of having my mate while in this form. I mean to slide free, but nothing moves. Panicked, I pull away, but Leona cries my name and tightens her grip with her legs.

Half man and half beast, my voice is rough. “Are you hurt?”

“No.” She presses her hips against mine and her body jerks as she comes again. “Oh, that’s…What is that?”

The milking of her pussy pulls another jet of cum from me and I growl out my pleasure. When it passes, I keep very still and kiss her forehead. This is a first for me, but I suppose that’s to be expected. This kind of intimacy is for mates only. “Don’t move, my love. It’s the knotting.”


I roll so that she’s on top since I don’t want to crush her. The movement forces more blood into my shaft and the knot tightens. “Gods, that feels so good. Please tell me I’m not killing you.”

“Holy hell. I’m coming again.” True to her words, her body pulses with another eruption of pleasure, triggering my own.

“If we remain still, it should pass.” I run my fingers along her back, careful of my claws, which are exposed now.

“What’s happening, Cade? Why do you sound worried?” Her voice is slightly higher than normal.

“Nothing is wrong. We’re knotted and it may take a little while for the bond to loosen. If we lie still, it should be faster.” I hope that’s true.

Slowly, she lifts her head to meet my gaze. Her pupils are blown and her cheeks are flushed. She’s so beautiful, she takes my breath away. “What is knotted?”

This would be easier to explain if the pleasure of being inside her wasn’t flowing through me like river rapids. “Knotting is my body linking with yours for procreation. It only happens with mates. It doesn’t happen every time. I never thought it would happen with us since you’re not a manticore or shifter. It really never crossed my mind.”

Blinking, she blushes a deep red. “Are you telling me that you’re impregnating me and that’s why we can’t separate?”

My heart balls up painfully. “You make it sound as if I’m doing this to you as some kind of punishment. I’m telling you that our lovemaking may have led to our making a child. That’s what sometimes happens when people have sex.”

She presses her forehead to my chest. “What happens now?”

Every molecule of my body wants to move, to bring us pleasure, and stop her from abandoning me as soon as she’s released from the knot. Fighting instinct, I hold perfectly still. “We wait for the bond to loosen.”

Rocking her forehead side to side, she says, “No. I mean after this. How do we go forward and if there’s a child… You don’t have to worry. I can raise my baby. I’ve always thought I’d be a good mother.” Her tears drip onto my skin.

“Do you think I would abandon you or the child?” Can she think that little of me?

“We just met. I don’t think anyone expects to make long-term plans after two days. It’s nice you want to be part of a child’s life. I mean, if I’m pregnant.”

My chest is wet with her tears. I grip her ass and pull her tight. Pleasure shoots through me as she comes again.

Her beautiful cries fill the hut and as she arches her neck. I capture her lips, making love to her mouth. She rocks, taking more of me, and we both moan with the next wave of our mating.

As the rapture ebbs, she breaks the kiss. In a sultry voice that sounds contrary, she says, “I don’t know if I can take any more.”

Rolling to one side, I maneuver so that my back is against the wall and she’s in my lap.

“Oh, fuck! Cade! That’s…” She rides me while the orgasm crashes around us.

Face to face now, and still intimately locked together, I meet her impassioned gaze. “Listen to me very carefully, Leona. You are mine. You have been since the moment you stepped into my woods. I am your mate and will never abandon you. The only way to rid yourself of me is for you to reject me as your mate. If you did that, it would break my heart, but I will always care for you and our child. Do you understand?”

Tears stream down her cheeks. “I want to believe you.”

“Then do. I will never lie to you. If living in your apartment in Brooklyn is what makes you happy, I will come with you. You could stay here, or we can come to another solution. None of those options will include me letting you go.” My pulse is so fast, I have to catch my breath. The idea of her leaving, and our baby growing inside her sweet body has made me long for her even more. Nothing short of her rejection will move me on this subject.

Through her tears, she smiles. “Can I ask you something?”
