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“What are we talking about, Melony?” I don’t even like the way her name feels in my mouth. How did my sweet mate come from the same place as this fake woman who has no scruples?

The whine of her voice sets my teeth on edge. “My marriage. How could I have married Derek? If I’d only waited a little longer, I’d have known a man like you is available. I know you say you like my sister, but maybe you could spend some time with me. If you knew me better, you’d like me.”

Every instinct in me says run, but I have to see this through. “What do you suggest?” As hard as I tried for seductive, the words sound stilted to my ear.

If Melony noticed, it’s not evident. She presses her chest against me. “Why don’t we take a walk and get to know each other? I know I came on too strong this morning, but I’m a nice girl. We can talk, and you’ll see I’m far more attractive than Leona. Everyone always says so.”

My jaw aches from clenching. I would give almost anything to never see this horrible woman ever again. The problem is that what I want is a life with her sister and unfortunately, the only road to peace with my mate is through this miserable human. “A walk sounds nice.”

She threads her arm through mine and caresses the inside of my elbow.

We go out the front doors and she leads me toward the woods on the north side of the resort. My gut twists like a lamb to slaughter. Let’s hope whatever the plan is, I can remain a man until after they fail.


This is torture. Knowing that Cade is putting himself in danger to catch Derek or someone from his company in the act or kidnapping is the worst idea ever.

My mother corners me by a fully blooming yellow rose bush. “I’m so happy for you, Leona. I knew this would all work out. You have to admit, Derek is a better match for your sister. Besides, it makes Melony so happy to be first where the two of you are concerned. You’ve been very nice to let her have her way.”

“She didn’t exactly ask my approval, Mom. She married my ex and dragged us all up here to spend an entire weekend gloating over it. Then, when I find a man who’s interested in me, she flirts with him the day after her wedding.” I don’t bother keeping my disgust out of my voice.

Mom frowns. “She’s just a little jealous of you. It should be flattering for your little sister to want to be like you.”

“Well, it’s not. It’s childish and annoying. I’m here because you and Dad made such a fuss when I said I didn’t want to come.” I search the garden and there’s no sign of either Melony or Derek. My heart speeds up. This is a terrible idea.

Brian walks past the far end of the garden toward the parking lot. He was calling the police to catch Derek in the act. Why is he leaving?

“She’s your sister. Be kind.” Mom’s command no longer has the desired effect.

I keep Brian in my sight and say, “Mom, you should go finish packing. Dad will want to leave for the city in an hour. You know how he is.”

Mom checks her watch and her eyes go wide. “Oh lord, you're right.” She rushes from the garden.

I jog down the path and out into the parking lot.

Brian is just opening the door of his gray SUV when I reach him. “Where are you going?”

“Um. Home.” His skin is pale, and he’s sweating.

Searching the area, I don’t see a single police car. “Where are the police?”

His lips pull into a tight line. “Look, you should get out of here. It will all be over soon. If you play your cards right, I’m sure we can work out a good deal for you too. Your brother-in-law is very generous.”

Oh god. This isn’t happening. I back away from him then turn and turn toward the resort. Pulling the phone from my back pocket, I dial 911.

“What’s your emergency?” A pleasant voice asks.

“My boyfriend is being attacked by a man with a shotgun.” It’s the only thing I can think to say.

“Where are you, miss?” Key taps sound in the background.

“We’re at the Greentree Resort.” I run faster.

Brian’s SUV screeches to a stop in front of me.

“Hang up that phone, Leona.” Gone is the pleasant concierge and in his place is a sweating, lying villain.

“Come quick.”
