Page 106 of Teach Me

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“Oh, well,” Paula blushed, but Jamie grinned.

“My baby brother goes to school with Charlie,” he said with a smirk. “My mom had an appointment to go to, so I went and got him. We met in the pick up line. She bumped into the back of my car and the rest is history.”

Owen blinked.

“At Charlie’s school?” he asked. “You hit a kid’s car in front of our child’s school and…what? Got his number?”

Paula’s blush got pinker.

“She felt bad for rear ending me,” Jamie said. “It was just a little cosmetic scratch, so I told her she could make it up to me by going out with me and buying me dinner.”

“A twenty year old asking out a woman twice his age?” Owen asked Jamie.

Jamie’s grin turned wicked.

“You ever heard of the phrase MILF?”

I snorted into my hands while Owen blinked.

“First of all, that’s not a phrase, it’s an acronym, secondly—”

“What the letters stand for is a phrase,” Jamie butted in.

“We don’t need to talk about this,” Paula tried, but the boys were already aiming for the jugular.

“I can only imagine how that date started…and ended,” Owen threw out, tapping his finger to his temple. “Not sure there’s much in there besides sex and basketball.”

“What else is there?” Jamie countered with a smirk.

Owen barked out a laugh of disbelief.

“Really?” he directed at Paula.

“Please,” Paula said, putting out both hands in hopes to quell the conversation.

I pressed my hand to Owen’s bicep and squeezed.

He turned to me, face slack in utter shock.

“Please,” I added to Paula’s pleas.

“I need a drink,” Owen said, standing abruptly.

I pressed my palms to the table and stood.

“Excuse me,” I said before following him toward the bar.

Owen was in the middle of ordering a sazerac when I approached him.

“This isn’t a measuring contest,” I whispered, moving right beside him so my breasts bumped his arm. “Stop making this about him. This is about me and Paula.”

He frowned but turned toward me.

“This isn’t a dick measuring contest,” he agreed. “We all know who’d win. No, this is about Paula dating an A-class moron because he challenges her in bed.”

I scoffed.

“Even if that’s the truth, which you'd know it isn’t if you bothered listening to anything either of them has said tonight, what business is it of yours to judge them? What did we start out as?”

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