Page 107 of Teach Me

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“Don’t you compare what they have to what we are,” he hissed under his breath. “We were friends before we fell into bed together. There was incredible forethought that happened before—”

“Before I asked you to kiss me in your garden?” I interrupted him. “Before we went from forbidden teacher and student or boss and employee, to bunny rabbits because we couldn’t get enough of each other? I can tell you that there was zero forethought on my end, only aching desire and longing that I knew would never come to fruition, but I wanted it more than anything, anyway.”

Of all the reactions he could have given, he smirked.

“Are you telling me you hadn’t thought about kissing me before that day in the garden? Not once?”

A blush spread over my cheeks, and he leaned down to speak into my ear. Goosebumps spread over my body as his low timbre stroked over me like soft velvet.

“That,” he rumbled, “is my point. You and I had intense attraction from the beginning, but we did nothing about it until we learned our souls were a match, too.”

He had a point.

His fingers pressed into the small of my back and a soft gasp escaped my lips. He chuckled, then moved closer until his lips were brushing my ear.

“Your nipples are almost as hard as I am,” he grumbled with humor lacing his words.

I blinked, trying to shove down my intense need to climb the man like a tree and beg him to take me.

“Now, Get your ass back to that table and get to know my ex-wife. As soon as you’re satisfied, I’m taking you home and—”

“Two Coors Lite!” a voice shouted above us as a body bumped against ours.

My eyes lifted to see Jamie there, waving his hand around like a crazy person, trying to get the attention of the bartender while his chest knocked against Owen’s shoulder.

Annoyance slashed across Owen’s face, but he simply stood and put out his palm so the guy stopped bumping him.

“I’ll get the beers,” he said in a weirdly, almost friendly tone that didn’t match the look in his eyes. “Not sure you could afford them, anyway.”

I sighed, rolling my eyes.

“You don’t know shit about me,” Jamie scowled at him. “Don’t go presuming to understand anything about Paula and I.”

“It’s Paula and me, not Paula and I,” Owen corrected, but just those simple words had flames erupting in Jamie’s eyes.

His fist snapped out so fast, I almost missed it. Owen didn’t, though. He saw it just soon enough to start to push me out of the way as Jamie’s fist met his face.

The people around us cried out and surged away as Owen pushed back, shoving Jamie away before wiping the blood from his nose.

“She’s not your wife anymore, asshole,” Jamie shouted as security started making their way through the crush of people toward the bar.

“I know, I’m the one who filed for divorce,” Owen spat. “Even still, she deserves better than a runt like you.”

Jamie howled and went after Owen with both fists flying, and to my surprise, Owen lifted his own and snapped his closed fist toward Jamie’s face.

I yelped, backing away as Paula approached.

“Let’s get out of here,” she said, sending a disgusted glare toward the guys.

Feeling a bit of the same disgust mixed with an arousal I wouldn’t ever admit to, I followed her out, leaving the men to be separated and kicked out of the restaurant.

Paula slipped her arm through mine and we went back to our table.

“They can use a time out,” she said finally when we were sitting down again.

We watched Owen and Jamie being led out of the building by security and I let out a huff of disbelief. Never in my life would I have imagined a man like Owen would be escorted out of a restaurant after participating in a fight! It was concerning and oddly…exciting.

“I’m sorry,” Paula said eventually. “Jamie can be a hothead sometimes, and Owen is…he’s a papa bear and doesn’t know when to turn it off, even if it’s inappropriate.”
