Page 110 of Teach Me

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There they were, both men sitting on the curb together with beers in their hands and a few on the walk beside them.

“What the hell is this?” Paula asked with a bark of a laugh, and that’s when the guys looked up, holding out their beers with welcoming cheers.

“Ay! There they are!” Owen called.

The man was sloshed.

Jamie giggled and leaned into Owen, whispering something in his ear that made my boyfriend howl in laughter.

The best part was, both men looked like they’d been through a meat grinder, blood on their faces and bruises that were swelling and coloring. They’d obviously finished their fight, and had moved on to getting drunk and becoming buddies.

“You two are absolutely ridiculous,” Paula added, stealing Jamie’s beer to take a sip.

He pulled her into his lap where she collapsed into him, then they both started giggling.

“Really?” I asked Owen, who just grinned up at me. “I take it you’ve gotten over your differences?”

His face turned serious as he nodded, then he burst into a wide smile again.

“We had a good talk,” he added, not sounding as drunk as he obviously was with the giggles and the bromance going on.

“Good. I’m glad to hear it.”

The sound of a loud fart tore through the air, and all three of them started laughing as Paula pushed away from Jamie while shouting ‘ew!’

Owen shoved Jamie’s arm, but the jostling caused a burp to escape him. His eyes went wide as the others erupted into laughter all over again. The love of my life groaned and chuckled as he dropped to his back right there on the sidewalk and folded his arms over his face.

“Fuck me,” he groaned.

I smiled and moved to sit beside him.

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you drunk,” I told him.

He grunted.

“Better sooner than later, I guess,” he offered.

“Now, the big question is,” I murmured, leaning on my elbow to get closer to him so only he could hear. “How do you perform with whiskey dick?”

His lips split into a wicked smirk.

“Do you want to find out?” Owen asked, moving his arms off his face.

His breath stank of beer, but I accepted his kiss anyway when he pulled me toward him.

“Get a room!” Jamie called, but Owen just lifted a hand to shoo him away.

“Let’s get something to eat,” Paula said, stumbling and trying to stand even though she and her four inch heels were tangled up in her boyfriend’s legs.

I grinned and accepted a few more soft kisses before pulling away, eliciting a forlorn moan from Owen’s lips.

“C’mon,” I told him in a quiet voice while Paula was still trying to untangle herself from her boyfriend. “I’m starving.”

That was all Owen needed to hear to get to his feet and take my hand. He glanced over at the mess that was his ex and her plus one. Rolling his eyes, he held out a hand to Paula, who gripped it so Owen could yank her up to her feet.

“Thanks,” she said, wiping her hands on her thighs while Jamie scrambled to his feet.

We headed toward the Porsche while the others followed behind toward their own car.
