Page 111 of Teach Me

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“Oh Lord, that Goddamn car,” Paula called as Owen unlocked the doors.

He went toward the side door to open it for me, but I shook my head and held out my keys.

He lifted a brow. “Do you know how to drive stick?”

I frowned.

“No, but—”

“Ride with us!” Paula called. “This way!”

I took Owen’s hand and didn’t ask permission, simply dragged him along. He let out a tortured groan but followed easily enough.

“I can drive, Paula,” I offered, knowing that on top of her two glasses of wine, she’d also had one of Jamie’s beers.

She handed over the keys and I climbed into the driver seat of her Jeep. Paula and Jamie went into the back and Owen slipped into the front seat as I turned the key in the ignition.

“Where to?” I called.

“McDonalds!” Paula and Jamie called drunkenly.

I turned to Owen, and he just shrugged.

“Sometimes you gotta just say yes and go with the flow,” was all he answered.

With that, I backed the car out, grateful I’d only had one glass of wine in the restaurant, and we made our way to the fast food place. In the drive through, we ordered enough food for ten people, then stopped by the liquor store at Paula’s behest.

Several bottles of wine and some whiskey later, she led me to a little spot near Columbus lake that she called ‘Makeout Point.’

“I used to come out here as a teen during high school,” Paula admitted, which made Jamie growl and pretend to bite her neck.

“You were a wild little thing, weren’t you?” he demanded, which made Paula squeal.

“We shoulda gotten another bottle of whiskey,” Owen murmured, sounding strung out already.

I laughed at him as I parked, then moved out of my seat to explore the area.

It was beautiful, green and dense and cool since the sun had gone down.

“Jamie, help me get the shit out of the back seat!” Paula called as she stumbled out of the back once Owen had gotten out of his seat and popped it forward.

“What shit?” Owen called while Paula dug through the back.

She handed several blankets to Jamie, stacking them in his arms before she grabbed a padded bag and a couple pillows.

Owen barked out a laugh. “You keep that in your car?”

She laughed at that.

“I happen to enjoy picnic dates, so yes, I keep them in my car sometimes.”

He shook his head, watching with amusement as Jamie spread out blankets in one big mat in the middle of the small clearing ahead of us.

“Can you handle the drinks?” she asked Owen, who took up the bags of food and alcohol from her.

Paula nodded at him, then made her way to the blankets, settling down to open the bag, which produced two wine glasses and a cork screw.

“Prepared,” I murmured to Owen, who agreed, though he didn’t seem impressed.
