Page 129 of Teach Me

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“Don’t even think about it,” I scolded him immediately. “I don’t care if you go to college, but you need to get your diploma. Promise me, Pat. I don’t care if you wait until marriage, or if you get her pregnant, or anything. You have to finish your degree.”

“Lord, I’m not getting anyone pregnant, Mia!” he laughed.

“I’m just saying!”

“I know, I know. Ok, I’ll finish. Promise.”

“Good. It’s not just for you, you know. Imagine how her parents would feel if you guys didn't finish high school and went to get married? Not a great way to start a marriage.”

He blew out a breath.

“Yeah I know. Sometimes it just feels like I’ll die, you know? I just love her so freaking much, I feel like I’ll explode.”

I chuckled.

“I know how that feels, Pat...”

“She’s just doesn’t believe in sex before marriage, and I don’t want to pressure her or anything. I mean, I admire her conviction of it, it just feels like I’m withering away.”

“Oh, Pat,” I moaned in sympathy.

“It’s just a few more months though, right?” He gave a miserable laugh.

“You’ve got to respect her, Pat. You’re doing a good job. Just be patient with both of you. Her feelings are valid, but so are yours. Believe me, I know what it’s like to want and not have. But you’ll regret it, and so will she, if you give in for the wrong reasons.”

“You’re such a freaking hypocrite,” Patrick said, though he sounded like he was laughing and not so serious.

“Not a hypocrite, just a different situation.”

He laughed again and acknowledged the difference, then ended on a sigh.

“Ok, well this conversation got away from me. I just wanted to check on you and see how you’re doing.”

“I’m ok, Pat. You don’t need to worry about me. Although, if you don’t mind, pray for all of us come Thanksgiving.”

“I’m excited to meet this guy, you know. I won’t hold back on my opinions.”

“I wouldn’t expect you to. You’ve always told me your opinions on the boys I liked.”

He chuckled.

“I’m going to let you go, sis. I was supposed to catch a movie with Maria tonight. She’s waiting for me to pick her up.”

“Ok. Love you little brother. Have fun on your date. And keep it in your pants.”

He snorted, then hung up.

Smiling down at my phone, I took a few minutes to lay back in my bed and let the conversation settle, then I remembered that hot shower that I was supposed to be taking. I stood and hurried into the bathroom and turned the water on to hot and enjoyed that delicious, orgasmic shiver that trembled down my spine. Everything would seem easier to digest after a shower. I was sure about that.

Chapter 25


“Mother,” I growled, pointing at the front door. “I understand that you don’t want to have Thanksgiving with strangers. I get that. But this is a big deal for me, so can you please just throw back your shoulders and take this with grace? You’re the one who decided to come out without asking me what my plans were. So, you have to just go along with things. Consider this a good chance to get to know the woman who I hope will become your new daughter-in-law.”

My mother said nothing to that, but it didn’t matter. My heart was pounding anyway, having said those fucking words out loud. Daughter-in-law. The thought had been rattling around in my head recently, I mean, the proof had been in my pocket for days, but I still couldn't really comprehend them. I wanted Mia to be my mother’s new daughter-in-law.

Holy shit.
