Page 141 of Teach Me

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“Oh, I’ve thought about it a time or ten,” he admitted.

There was a small silence before he went on.

“While I have thought about it, I also want my little girl to be happy. On top of that, I’ve been praying about it, and so has Polly. She feels good about everything, so I have to just take a step back, even though all I want to do is go get my shotgun and force you off my property.”

“I…” How could I possibly thank him for his attitude? “Thank you for accepting me. Us.”

He snorted.

“Got nothing to do with you. Thank God.”

Nodding, I looked toward the ceiling and did just that.

“Now,” Patrick interrupted my thanks. “I’ve missed half of this game already, let’s finish it up. You watch any sports?”

I shook my head.

“Not really. I’ve always been a bookworm. Mind narrating for me?”

I knew enough about sports to get by, mostly because my ex and her family had been sports fanatics, but I knew that this was a moment where we could bond.

Patrick did just that, pointing at the TV and explaining everything as it happened, and I smiled. I hadn’t expected her family to be so welcoming. Guess miracles do still happen.

Chapter 28


“I can’t believe it!” Maria said, looking down at the ring on my finger.

Heck, I hadn’t had a chance to look much at the ring, either, so I stared down at it with her. The thing had a massive diamond embedded into a band with little green gems surrounding it, and scrollwork on the golden band.

It’s beautiful…

“This has got to be a full carat!” she practically screamed.

I grinned up at her.

“You’re one lucky girl,” she said, looking into my eyes.

“Do you have a ring?” I asked her, wondering if Patrick had given her one.

She gave an embarrassed smile.

“No. Pat was just being ridiculous,” Maria said, though she didn’t seem like she thought the idea had been bad.

“Just bad timing,” I tried.

She gave a tentative smile, but I saw the eagerness behind her eyes. She wanted it to be soon. And if anybody understood that, it was me!

“Actually, I’d like to talk to you about a few things, if you don’t mind. You know Pat better than pretty much anybody. Except maybe your parents, but I can't really have this conversation with them…”

A slight blush stained her cheeks and I grinned.

“Sure. Let’s just help get a few things in the oven, then maybe we can take a walk.”

She agreed just in time for Mom to pull me over to the stove to sautée the onions, celery, and sausage for the stuffing.

“I’m so happy for you,” she told me in a soft voice, squeezing my unused hand. “I hadn’t expected him to propose like that today.”
