Page 146 of Teach Me

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I hated that he was right. All I wanted to do was climb back into that car with him, stop somewhere on the side of the road and show him how much I loved him.

Then again, his mother was there at his house waiting for us.

Maybe my childhood home wasn’t so bad, after all.

I waved as he got into the car and drove off, leaving me alone with my family.

“Alright,” Dad said. “Who’s ready for some Charlie Brown Thanksgiving?”

It was a family tradition that we indulged in every year. I had the movie about memorized by now, but it made me grin to think of watching it again with my favorite people. If only Owen could have stayed to watch it with us…

The TV flicked over to the DVD that Patrick had plugged in, and the introduction music helped me relax.

One more holiday, then I’d be able to move in with the man of my dreams. Until then, I’d enjoy every moment.

Chapter 29


My phone rang in my pocket as I started putting away my clean laundry. It’d been sitting in my little basket since returning from my parent’s house on Thanksgiving. My mother would have been horrified by the deep wrinkles in my t-shirts and shorts, but sometimes there’s more important things to do than laundry. Like spending the last two days with my fiancé’s children. My soon-to-be children.

Just thinking the words sparked excitement and nervous jitters across my body.

Another ring tore me out of my own thoughts, and I fumbled to answer before I missed it.

Nearly letting it go to voicemail, I managed to catch Owen’s name before it did.

“Hey,” I said breathlessly, oddly exhausted from the fight with my tight pocket.

“Hey,” he said back with a chuckle. “I just dropped the boys with their mom, and I need to get out of the house before I strangle my mother. Want to go on a drive?”

Dropping the days old laundry to wrinkle further, I agreed.

“Yeah, I’m not doing anything important,” I told him, giving a wan look toward the laundry, and my computer which had the first two paragraphs of what needed to be a fifty page dissertation.

“Good. Pack an overnight bag.”

“There’s school in the morning,” I warned.

“I know. I teach a class at eight. We’ll be there in time.”

“Ok. I trust you.”

“Good. Be there in a few.”

With that we said goodbye and hung up, which only gave me minutes to put together a quick bag with some pajamas, toothbrush and paste, and an outfit for tomorrow.

I wished I knew what he was planning, staying somewhere overnight. His mother was difficult, but I’d stayed over on Friday night and it hadn’t been too difficult. Well, not any more difficult than normal with her disapproving glares and blatant words of scorn.

The only thing that I’d seen melt her heart had been Caden and Charlie, though they weren’t big fans of their grandmother, either. She was at least nice to them though, and asked about their lives and school. Maybe there was something in her that was salvageable.

After sticking mascara and another pair of panties in my bag, I hurried with my backpack full of school books and laptop, and a tote with everything else out the door and down the stairs.

Clea was due home from her holiday at home at any time, and I was excited to tell her about my engagement, but it would just have to wait.

Owen was there waiting for me in his sexy little coupe when I got there. Another car was there, and I saw Clea standing beside the old sedan with who I assumed was Howard. There was luggage scattered around their feet as they said goodbye to each other. He didn't seem to notice me, but Clea did. Her eyes roved over me, then the car and the driver sitting behind the wheel. While I lifted my hand to wave, she snapped her face away from me and pretended like she didn’t know me.

It broke my freaking heart.

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