Page 147 of Teach Me

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So much for best friends.

I sank into the seat beside Owen and he drove away immediately, his hand finding my knee.

“That was your friend, I take it?” he asked. “The one you told about us?”

I nodded.

“She’s not been my friend ever since,” I admitted. “She hardly talks to me anymore.”

He let out a soft curse and squeezed my knee, then the soft flesh of my thigh just an inch above that.

“I’m sorry, darling,” he murmured.

I shrugged, though it felt like a heartbreak all of its own to give up a friend I’d had for so long over something so silly.

There was silence in the car for a good few minutes until I finally broke it by asking, “Where are we going?”

He squeezed my leg again, then glanced at me.

“I got us a hotel for the night. The Hyett, if you know it,” he said to me. “That ok?”

Nervousness spiked through me for some reason. I’d slept with the man more times than I could count, and yet, staying at a hotel with him felt like a big step.

“Should I assume that you just didn’t want your mother to hear the headboard banging?” I tittered.

Owen laughed at my ridiculousness as we pulled into the hotel parking lot. It was big and looked modern and fancy. Well, fancy to a girl like me. A hotel was more like a Motel 6 in my brain. This was extravagant.

“I’m sorry,” he said, taking my hand after opening my door. “I wanted to spring for something better but…there’s not much option for lavish luxury in a town like Columbus.”

I shrugged.

“This is perfect, Owen,” I told him, scooping my arm around his waist as we walked through the front doors with our bags in our hands, as well as a black, half round pillow I’d never seen before.

Owen took care of the reservation, having the number on his phone so the desk clerk could look it up then give the keys.

“C’mon,” he told me, taking my bags for me as we went.

“I can carry my own bags,” I told him with a laugh.

“Let me be a fucking gentleman,” he teased, leaning down to kiss me.

I gave them up easily and accepted his kiss, until the elevator dinged, anyway. We found the room and he slid the key card into the slot, then opened the door.

The place was nice, clean, and had a taste of luxury about it, but it wasn’t ostentatious.

“There we go,” he said, plopping down our bags onto the couch before tossing the pillow onto the bed.

“What is this?” I asked, picking it up and seeing an odd hole on the rounded side.

“Well,” he said, shoving his hand through his hair. “You remember when you said you wanted to try dual penetration?”

I nodded, a flush heating my cheeks.

“Well, I thought on it, and how I could give that to you. And this is what I came up with.”

He turned and opened his bag, pulling out a couple of…oh wow. One of the dildos in his hands was dark purple, and the other was a fleshy color.

“Of course, if you changed your mind, I’ll put this shit away and I’ll fuck you proper on that bed for the rest of the night, but if you want to try it, then we’re prepared.”
