Page 149 of Teach Me

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Owen’s head left me the same time his weight did, and I whined, turning to see what the hell could be more important than fucking me.

He dug through his bag and came back with a little tube of clear gel in his hand.


“Climb on,” he told me, chucking his chin toward the pillow.

So, I did.

I took the black pillow in my hands, got on my hands and knees, then flung a leg over the thing. With a press of a button, the thing started buzzing. It was a little awkward trying to settle on top of the toy, but when I managed it, Oh God…it felt so good.

I rode it slowly, acquainting myself with the feeling as I pressed my palms to the wall in front of me to steady myself.

Owen hummed in appreciation beside me, watching with hooded lids, brutally biting his lip.

“Owen,” I called. “You better get over here, or I’ll play without you.”

He chuffed, but came behind me until his chest was plastered to my back.

“Are you ready for this, love?” he asked, his fingers gripping my hips as I ground down into the toy and the little rabbit knub on it that had a textured part to grind my clit on.

“Now, please,” I begged.

He backed away a little, but I felt his fingers run over my back, slinking down my spine until he was right there.

I swallowed hard, trying not to be squeamish with the fact that he was there. Everything about humanity told us that this was the dirtiest part of human anatomy, but I needed to let that go. If he wanted me there, then I wanted to let him try it, too.

“I need you to relax,” he rumbled. “Breathe. Don’t clench up or it could hurt.”

“Are you an expert all of a sudden?” I countered.

He chuckled.

“No. But I watched some porn how-to videos, so I feel like I got a handle on things.”

“You did what?” I choked out, but the words were cut off when his finger entered me, causing a spontaneous combustion in my clit.

I wailed with the orgasm, throwing my head back as I rode it out.

“Fuck,” he ground out, spearing my thigh with his eager cock as we rocked together until the waves calmed in my belly.

When I stopped rocking, he gently rode his finger in and out of me with the movements I made on the little pillow saddle.

It felt so strange, and the further his finger sank, the more tingles shot up my spine.

“Do you want more?” he asked, panting behind me.

His restraint probably took superhuman strength.

I nodded vigorously, so he squirted more lube, then I felt a second finger push in with the first.

It didn’t feel like when he’d put his fingers in my pussy at all. The ring was tight, and there was little sensation inside of me there, but oh Lord, I could feel his finger through the thin walls, pushing against the dildo on every single stroke, and it felt like I was so full I could burst.

But I wanted more.

“More,” I demanded, upping my pace.

“You’re insatiable,” he murmured into my ear, biting the lobe so hard it almost hurt.
