Page 57 of Teach Me

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“No, you’re making it hard when it doesn’t have to be.” I shrugged, but that seemed to infuriate him.

“Do you know how fucking difficult this is?” he demanded, “How much I want to throw you over this desk and fuck you ‘til you’re breathless?”

“So do it,” I challenged.

“And what? Just wait for someone to come in and find us with our pants around our ankles? Wait for the Dean of this fucking school to realize that I fucked one of my students and throw my out on my ass? Wait for you to graduate and go off to see the world after I’ve already invested myself in you?”

“Why do you keep assuming that after I graduate, I’ll leave you?” I asked him.

“Because it’s inevitable.” He scoffed. “I’m not an idiot. I’m a fling and I know that. The older man, an authority figure, the successful writer… I’m fucking irresistable to you, but it won’t always be that way.”

I couldn’t help it. I laughed.

His eyes crinkled in irritation as he watched me.

“For being so freaking old, you certainly don’t get it, do you?” I asked.

He bristled at the old comment, but he’s the one who wanted to keep focusing on age.

“Enlighten me,” he ground out through his teeth.

I stood and leaned over his desk.

“Your age, your success, none of that has to do with why I like you. I never took you for a man with poor self-esteem.”

His jaw fish-flopped open and closed again.

“I like you despite your age. I like you because of the care and pride you take in your students and their education. I like you because your mind is incredible. You call yourself a sapiophile, but it seems that your eyes are the only things that control you. I fell in love with your mind, and I thought you had liked me for mine, too. I was obviously very wrong.”

His teeth were grinding, making an audible sound as his molars mashed together.

He didn’t seem to have anything left to say, so I scooped up my bag, needing some space.

Funny how I needed to be with him almost as much as I needed to be away from him. It was tearing me apart from the inside out.

“We still have work to do,” he bit out.

“So, fire me,” I threw back and shut the door in his face.

Irresistible, huh? The nerve of that man! After what we’d shared, he was going to—

The door flew open and a big hand grabbed my wrist, pulling me back into Owen’s office.

“You can leave when I’m done with you,” he growled, heat and anger coloring his voice.

“If I want to leave, I can do whatever the h—”

I didn’t get to finish that statement. Instead, hard lips smashed into my mouth and I stumbled backwards, just to be caught by the cage of his arms pulling me closer to him.

“I thought you wanted…to end…this,” I stuttered against his lips, my arms slipping around his neck as he pulled me further into his office, my rear bumping against the edge of the desk.

“It is. It’s ended,” he told me before tonguing my tonsils.

“I should tell you ‘no’,” I panted, breathing the words out between huffs and kisses. “Like you’ve done to me the last three days.”

“Tell me ‘no’ and I’ll force you to reconsider with my lips on your pussy,” he said, whispering into my ear as his fingers slid up my thighs.

I was ever grateful to be wearing a skirt instead of my regular yoga pants or leggings. I hadn’t been necessarily hoping to entice him, but just in case I did…
