Page 82 of Teach Me

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Mia Miller: Maybe not in the same way my parent’s do, but I believe.

Me: Is that a deal breaker for you, if I decide that I don’t?

Mia Miller: No. My faith is my own. You sharing it would be wonderful, but I don’t need you to believe what I believe to have that piece of myself.

Me: What do you plan on doing after you graduate?

I figured if we’re getting the big stuff out of the way, it was time to ask the things I needed to know for my own comfort.

Mia Miller: I haven’t decided yet. The only thing I know for sure is I want to finish my book and maybe publish it, if I can figure that out.

Me: Is that your life ambition?

Mia Miller: One of them. I want to be a mom and have a family eventually. I want all the things my mom has. Families bring love.

My fucking hands tingled in anticipation. She wanted a family. Kids. She wanted all the things I did.

Me: How many kids?

Mia Miller: At least three or four. As many as God will give me.

I typed, then paused, then typed again.

I had to know.

Me: Will your parents hate me for us fucking before marriage?

There was a long pause, and it made me literally sweat as I waited.

Mia Miller: They’ll be disappointed, but they wouldn’t hate you, I don’t think. Dad would maybe punch you though. But only once.

I blew out a sharp breath and chuckled. Only once, huh?

Mia Miller: I’m just kidding. Mostly.

Me: So relieving. Mostly.

She sent me more laughy faces.

Mia Miller: What do you want to do with the rest of your life? What do you see in your future?

Shit, that was a good question that I didn’t have an answer to.

Me: I don’t know, to be honest. I’m mostly living day to day as Dad, writer, and teacher. Those are a lot of hats to wear.

Mia Miller: Do you want to keep it that way? Is a girl like me too complicated?

Me: Complicated, yes. A problem? No.

Mia Miller: Not to mention your ex-wife would hate me. That would make things between you even more uncomfortable.

I had to let out a laugh at that one.

Me: In that case, you’re wrong. My ex-wife is currently dating a twenty-two year old almost graduated athlete. Younger than you.

Mia Miller: What the heck? Really?

Me: She traded her geek ex for a jock. I suppose she's as happy as she’s going to get.

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