Page 83 of Teach Me

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Mia Miller: Are you saying, you really think we could do this, if everything works out?

Me: I’m saying, I’ve never met something in my life that I fought for that I didn’t get.

Mia Miller: Will you fight for me, Owen?

Shit, the words hit me square in the chest, and the answer came immediately.

Me: Every single time, I will fight for you.

She didn’t write back after that. I didn’t either. Hell, I wouldn’t have even known what to say after a confession like that.

Her next text came in first thing in the morning.

Mia Miller: ‘The Secret Garden’ page 48 line 10-13

I grinned at the ridiculous code.

Me: Where the fuck are you getting these things?

My ass was out of bed immediately, creaking joints and all, and I was stumbling out of bed and down the stairs to my library office to look for the book.

I looked, and looked, and looked.

I didn’t have ‘The Secret Garden’, evidently, which really pissed me off. Why didn’t I? It was a fucking classic!

I worried for a moment that I’d have to tell her to just give me the quote, but I hurried over to the school and the library that it contained, and got real fucking lucky that they had an old version of the book.

Flipping through the pages, I found the forty-eighth and squinted, scrolling down to line ten.

‘Where has tha’ been tha’ cheeky little beggar?’ he said. ‘I’ve not seen thee before today. Has tha’ begun tha’ courtin’ this early in th’ season? Tha’rt too forrad.’

Me: Is that what we’re doing? Are we courting, Mia Miller?

There was a long, pregnant pause as I stood there, the old book in hand as I waited for her answer.

Mia Miller: Does that put you off?

She asked eventually.

The same feelings from the night before barreled into me. They said all the same things, like, ‘it’s too soon’ and ‘I would do anything for her.’ Contradicting thoughts made me question my sanity for a moment, but if my ripe age had taught me anything, it was that life’s too short to beat around the bush and wait to take the things you want. I’d been honest with myself about her from the beginning, and I was pretty sure she had been, too. I’d always hated the phrase ‘old soul’. It seemed trite compared to the people we always used the line on, but there was no better way to describe the young woman who’d captured every fucking part of me.

Me: Should it?

Mia Miller: Probably.

Me: I was never one to follow rules.

Mia Miller: You’re giving me non-answers.

Me: Did I ever tell you I was on the debate club in high school? They taught me some great skills.

Mia Miller: Owen Harlo…you’re killing me here.

I let out a bark of a laugh, then curled my lips in because I was in a damn library.

Me: If I start courting you for real, We’d need to meet the families.

Mia Miller: Maybe the courting thing can wait a little while.
